Uses of Bwincetam

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Bwincetam is a drug for the treatment of diseases caused by brain damage, symptoms of surgery & brain injury such as: Psychosis, hemiplegia, stroke, ischemia. At the same time, it treats diseases caused by disorders of the peripheral and central brain such as: dizziness, headache, severe delirium,...

1. What effect does Bwincetam have?

Bwincetam is in the list of psychoactive drugs - depression with the use of treating brain damage, symptoms of brain surgery & brain injury.
Piracetam ingredient (1200mg content) has a euphoric effect and improves nerve cell metabolism. Piracetam acts on a number of neurotransmitters: Noradrenalin, Acetylcholine, Dopamine, ... and contributes to improving the metabolic environment to help nerve cells work better.
Indications of Bwincetam:
Treatment of post-traumatic brain injury and brain surgery: Mental disorders, hematoma, stroke, hemiplegia, ischemia; Central nervous system disorders: Headache, dizziness, anxiety, delirium, severe delirium, confusion, coma; Status of cerebrovascular accident, carbon monoxide poisoning & related sequelae; Symptoms of senility: Declining cognitive function, sensory neuropathy in the elderly; Difficulty learning, losing concentration, impaired memory in children; Treatment of psychosis due to chronic alcoholism; Treatment of sickle cell anemia, acute ischemia; Used as adjuvant in the treatment of myoclonic tremor of cortical origin.

2. Instructions on how to take Bwincetam

To ensure effective treatment, Bwincetam should be taken exactly as directed by your doctor. Users can refer to the suggested dosage below:
Long-term treatment of psychosomatic syndromes in the elderly: Take 1.2 - 2.4g/day. In the first weeks the dose can be as high as 4.8g/day; Treatment of alcoholism: During the first period of alcohol withdrawal, take 12g/day. Maintenance treatment with a dose of 2.4g/day; Treatment of cognitive impairment after brain injury: Use the initial dose of 9-12g/day. The maintenance dose is 2.4g/day. To be effective, treatment should be for a minimum of 3 weeks; Treatment of sickle cell anemia: Oral 160mg/kg/day. Divide evenly into 4 uses; Treatment of myoclonic tremor: Take 7.2g/day, divided into 2-3 doses. Depending on response every 3-4 days, increase by 4.8g/day to a maximum dose of 20g/day. In general, the usual adult starting dose is usually 800mg three times a day. In case of improvement, take 500mg, divided into 3 times a day.

3. Bwincetam side effects

During treatment with Bwincetam, side effects may occur such as: Excitement, restlessness, anxiety, sleep disturbances, fatigue, dizziness, digestive disorders,... Side effects This is quite mild and can be controlled by reducing the dose.

4. Notes when using Bwincetam

Bwincetam is contraindicated in the following cases:
People who are allergic or sensitive to the components of the drug (especially Piracetam); Patients with severe renal failure; The patient has Huntington's chorea; Patients with liver failure. Pregnant and lactating women. Bwincetam should be used with special caution in the elderly and in patients with epilepsy. To ensure safety when taking the drug, it is recommended to avoid concomitant use of Bwincetam with other CNS stimulants, neurotropic drugs, and other thyroid hormone drugs.
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