Uses of Bourabia

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Bourabia 4 is a medication used to treat problems such as muscle spasms, relaxes muscles, and increases muscle tone. To find out more information about the drug as well as the notes to remember when using, you can refer to the information right below.

1. What does Bourabia do?

Bourabia 4 is a medicine containing the main ingredient is Thiocolchicoside 4mg. This active ingredient is a glycoside derivative with sulfur element, capable of acting by competitive inhibition of receptors to contribute to the relaxation of smooth and striated muscles. Thanks to its main use is muscle relaxation, from here Bourabia 4 is often indicated in cases of muscle spasms, increased muscle tone, avoiding unwanted muscle contractions. In particular, the drug also has an analgesic effect, so it is often used in cases of mild pain.

2. Indications and contraindications

2.1. Point

With the above effect, the drug Bourabia is indicated for use in the treatment and prevention of some diseases such as:
Patients with muscle contraction causing degeneration of the back and neck vertebrae. People with scoliosis due to muscle contraction, muscle strength decreases. Low back pain, muscle spasms after injury or surgery. Dysmenorrhea due to uterine smooth muscle spasm. In addition, like some anti-inflammatory drugs combined with other analgesic effects, Bourabia has the ability to inhibit cyclooxygenase blocking, contributing to effective pain relief.

2.2. Contraindications

Bourabia is contraindicated in some patients with the following history:
People who are allergic to the active ingredient Thiocolchicoside in the drug or to other similar drug groups. Pregnant women and lactating mothers, children under 16 years old.

3. Dosage and usage

Bourabia drug is used for people over 16 years old with reference dosage as follows:
Patients take the drug with a starting dose of 4 tablets (4mg)/day. For patients with acute disease & acute attack, the dose for chronic forms can be increased by 1/2 dose every 2 days and then doubled or tripled from the starting dose. Patients on long-term treatment can reduce the dose to 2 tablets/day. Patients take Bourabia 4 with filtered water, do not use fruit juices or alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Should pay attention to take the medicine as soon as it is removed from the blister.

4. Side effects

Bourabia drugs cause few side effects but still recorded a few unwanted effects such as:
Digestive disorders leading to abdominal pain for users. Mild allergy, rash, mild edema or stomach irritation. In addition, patients may also experience some other side effects in addition to the above signs. If any unusual problems appear, you need to contact your doctor for advice.

5. Drug interactions

When Bourabia is taken with certain other medicines, it may change how the medicine works or increase the risk of side effects. Therefore, you need to list all medications you are taking (including prescription and nonprescription drugs and dietary supplements) and inform your doctor, especially if you are taking medications such as Aripiprazole , Carbidopa, Bromocriptine, Piribedil, Buprenorphine, Dronabinol,...

6. Be careful when using Bourabia

The maximum recommended oral dose of Bourabia is 8mg every 12 hours; the duration of treatment should not exceed 7 consecutive days. Patients being treated with Bourabia should have their health checked at each follow-up visit as well as consider appropriate alternative treatments when necessary. Bourabia drug is not indicated for pregnant women because of strong motivation, good absorption can enter the fetal circulation causing unwanted effects. Bouraria is also not recommended for use in nursing mothers because the drug may pass into breast milk and adversely affect the nursing infant. Basically, the drug Bourabia is used to relax muscles, relieve pain caused by spasms of skeletal muscles. Because the drug works on centers in the brain and spinal cord to contribute to reducing muscle stiffness or spasms, patients should only take the drug when prescribed by the doctor.
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