Uses of Baclofen

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Baclofen contains the active ingredient Baclofen is indicated in the treatment of spasticity, recurrent sequelae in chronic disorders such as multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, cervical spondylosis... Learn about the uses, dosage and notes when using Baclofen through the article below.

1. Uses of the drug Baclofen

What is Baclofen? Baclofen is manufactured in the form of tablets and solution for injection containing the active ingredient Baclofen. The drug is indicated in the treatment of the following diseases:
Symptoms of spasticity, secondary sequelae caused by serious chronic disorders such as multiple sclerosis, forms of spinal cord injury; Baclofen is used for the treatment of severe spasticity of spinal origin in patients unresponsive to oral therapy. Symptomatic treatment of spasticity secondary to serious chronic disorders such as spinal tumor, spinal ischemia, degenerative spinal disease, cervical spondylosis; Baclofen is used for intrameningeal infusion for the symptomatic treatment of spasticity of cerebral origin (including brain injury, cerebral palsy).

2. Dosage of the drug Baclofen

Uses of the drug Baclofen indicated in the treatment of spasticity have the following recommended dosage:
Oral dose: The recommended initial dose is 15mg/day divided into 3 times The dose is gradually increased depending on the patient's response. Note that the dose should not exceed 80-100mg/day. In case the effect is not achieved after 6 weeks of treatment, it is necessary to stop using the drug and notify the doctor; Doses for the treatment of spasticity in patients with oral intolerance: Before starting the infusion regimen, the patient should discontinue other antispasmodic therapies to avoid risk of overdose or drug interactions. The recommended initial dose of Baclofen is 25 to 50 micrograms infused over at least 1 minute, increased by 25 micrograms over at least 24 hours up to 100 micrograms or at a dose in which patients respond positively within 4 to 8 hours. stop. Patients who do not respond to the drug at a dose of 100 micrograms are determined to be unsuitable for intrathecal infusion therapy; Children:
The dose of Baclofen used to relieve symptoms of chronic spasticity associated with chronic diseases in children is 300 micrograms/kg/day divided into 4 oral doses. Increase dose every 3 days until desired therapeutic effect is achieved. The recommended maintenance dose of Baclofen ranges from 750 micrograms/kg/day to 2 mg/kg/day. The maintenance dose of Baclofen can be calculated according to age as follows:
Children from 1 to 2 years old: Take 10-20mg/day; Children from 2 to 6 years old: Take 20-30mg/day; Children from 6-8 years old: Take 30-40mg/day; Children older than 8 years: Take up to 60mg/day; Children over 10 years old can take the same dose as adults. Baclofen can be used by continuous intrathecal infusion for the symptomatic treatment of spasticity of cerebral origin in children who are intolerant to oral baclofen. The recommended initial dose is 25 micrograms in children aged 4-18 years. Maintenance doses range from 24 micrograms/day to 1.2mg/day in children under 12 years of age. For children older than 12 years, the maintenance dose can be used as adults. Parenteral Baclofen is not recommended for use in the treatment of spasticity in children of spinal origin.
Other subjects:
Patients with renal failure: Most of Baclofen is excreted mainly in the urine, so patients with renal failure may need to reduce the dose; Elderly: Use lower starting dose, maintenance dose as adults.

3. Side effects of the drug Baclofen

Baclofen can cause some side effects as follows:
Common: Mental confusion, dizziness, lightheadedness, somnolence, insomnia, hypotonia, ataxia, confusion, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, muscle weakness, constipation, polyuria; Uncommon: Shortness of breath, chest pain, dysuria, hematuria, decreased ejaculatory capacity, palpitations, nocturia, urinary retention, withdrawal reaction occurring on abrupt cessation; Rare: Hallucinations, hypothermia, euphoria, tinnitus, depression, altered taste, dry mouth, nystagmus, visual disturbances, increased sweating, altered blood glucose, increased spasticity muscle, changes in liver function.

4. Notes when using Baclofen

Patients being treated with Baclofen should be closely monitored for clinical status and EEG. The process of central nervous system depression may be increased when using Baclofen together with other CNS depressants such as alcohol...
Caution should be taken when using Baclofen in patients with gastric ulcer - duodenal ulcer .
Patients with schizophrenia, psychosis, confusion need to be treated with caution as well as careful monitoring because the drug can aggravate the condition.
Patients being treated with Meningeal Infusion Baclofen should stop using oral antispasmodics (including oral Baclofen) and carefully monitor the patient. Avoid stopping abruptly as withdrawal may occur.
Patients who receive Baclofen infusion therapy in the meninges need to ensure that they do not have concurrent infections.
Discontinuation of intrathecal baclofen therapy may result in high fever, convulsions, altered mental status, and worsening spasticity.
Precautions for use in children: The efficacy and safety of Baclofen for parenteral and oral administration have not been established in children under 12 years of age and under 4 years of age.
Note for pregnant women: There are no studies on the safety and effectiveness of using Baclofen in pregnant women. Therefore, the drug should only be used in this subject when absolutely necessary and should be prescribed by the treating doctor.
Note for lactating women: Baclofen is excreted in breast milk, so breast-feeding should be discontinued during drug treatment.
Drivers, operating machines: Baclofen can cause side effects of sedation, dizziness, vision impairment and drowsiness... Therefore, it is recommended in patients who experience the above side effects. Do not drive or operate machinery.

5. Drug interactions

5.1. Drug-Drug Interactions The effect of Baclofen is increased when used concomitantly with drugs that depress the central nervous system.
Aggravation of hyperactivity in patients taking lithium with Baclofen.
Use of Baclofen in patients being treated with tricyclic antidepressants may increase the side effects of lowering blood pressure.
Baclofen excretion may be impaired when used together with Ibuprofen or other drugs that cause renal failure.
5.2. Food-Drug Interactions The central nervous system effects of Baclofen are increased when used with alcohol.
Drug interactions occur that reduce the therapeutic effect of Baclofen, increasing the risk of experiencing side effects. Therefore, patients need to inform their doctors about all medicines they are using, including non-prescription drugs, prescription drugs and dietary supplements... to ensure effective treatment.

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