Uses of Asumate plus

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Asumate plus is a daily contraceptive pill belonging to the group of urogenital drugs, used for women of reproductive age who intend to prevent pregnancy. In order to use the drug safely and achieve high contraceptive effectiveness, users need to know the information about the uses, dosage, usage and precautions when using Asumate plus below.

1. What is Asumate plus?

Asumate plus is a contraceptive that belongs to the group of urogenital drugs. This drug originated from Spain and was imported into Vietnam.
The drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets, packed in a box of 1 blister x 21 tablets, including 14 pink active round tablets and 7 white placebo tablets.
Ingredients of Asumate plus include:
Each active tablet contains active ingredients Levonorgestrel 0.1mg and Ethinylestradiol 0.02mg, and other excipients such as: Lactose anhydrous, Povidon K30 (El1201), Magnesium stearate and mixture pink film-coated excipients (Polyvinyl alcohol, Titanium dioxide, Talc, Polyethylene Glycol, Lecithin, Iron oxide red, aluminum lake). Each placebo - placebo tablet contains excipients: Lactose anhydrous, Magnesium stearate, Povidon K30, white film-coated excipient mixture (Polyvinyl alcohol, talc, polyethylene glycol, titandioxide).

2. Uses and indications of the drug Asumate plus

2.1. The main active ingredient of Levonorgestrel is a Progesterone active ingredient that inhibits ovulation, preventing ovulation and fertilization. This ingredient has the effect of increasing body temperature, causing changes in the epithelial layer of the vagina and relaxing the smooth muscle of the uterus, changing the mucus in the uterus, preventing sperm from moving into the uterus. fertilization, thereby preventing pregnancy. Ethinylestradiol is a semi-synthetic estrogen that prevents ovulation.
2.2. Indications for use of the drug Asumate plus The drug Asumate plus is indicated to prevent pregnancy for women in cases of sexual intercourse but not using other methods of contraception.
2.3. Contraindications Asumate plus Contraceptives Asumate plus is contraindicated for women experiencing some of the following problems:
Are pregnant or suspected of being pregnant, breastfeeding. History or presence of venous, arterial, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis. History of or signs of thrombosis (eg, angina, transient ischemic attack) and cerebrovascular accident. History of diabetes, hypertension, severe dyslipoproteinemia Have pancreatitis or a history of pancreatitis plus severe hypertriglyceridemia. Have severe active liver disease or a history of liver disease, presence or tumor in the liver (benign or malignant). Suspected or confirmed hormone-dependent tumor (genital tumor or breast cancer). Vaginal bleeding for no apparent reason. History of migraine with central nervous system symptoms Persons sensitive to Levonorgestrel, Ethinylestradiot or to any of the excipients in the drug. Asumate plus contains soy, so if you are allergic to soy or peanuts, you should not take the medicine.

3. Dosage and how to use Asumate plus

To use Asumate plus effectively, users need to adhere to the dosage and usage instructions below:
The drug is taken orally once a day and taken continuously for a period of time. 21 days, then take a 7 day break and continue taking the next pack in the same way. How to use:
The drug is taken orally with filtered water, do not take the drug with beer, wine, coffee, soft drinks, carbonated water, fruit juice ... and need to make sure that you are not pregnant before use medicine.
Depending on the following cases, you can choose the date to start taking the first pill, as follows:
For those who are not using Hormonal contraceptives: Take the first pill on the first day of menstruation until the first day of menstruation. Day 21. For those who are taking oral contraceptives: Take the medicine at the time of the next injection. For those who are taking Progesterone-only birth control pills: It can be taken at any time. Currently taking combined oral contraceptives: Should be taken on the following days after taking the pill or during the placebo period. In case of implantation or IUD insertion: Use the drug on the day of removal of the rod or ring. Cases after miscarriage in the first 3 months: Immediately take the pill without having to wait until the end of the day. After childbirth or after miscarriage in the second trimester: It is recommended to use the drug on the 21st or 28th day after the miscarriage or postpartum, and combine with a mechanical method of contraception (using a condom during sex) during pregnancy. the first 7 days of taking the drug. To be highly effective in preventing pregnancy, you should take the pill exactly as directed, and in combination with mechanical methods of contraception.
Missed dose and treatment:
In 1 pack of Asumate plus, the last 7 pills in the pack (white) are Placebo placebo pills. If you forget to take this pill, it will not affect the effectiveness of the medicine and you should discard the forgotten Placebo tablet, do not extend the week of taking the Placebo tablet.
As for the active tablet (pink) if you forget to take a pill within 12 hours, as soon as possible when you remember and take the next pill as usual. If you miss more than 12 hours after taking the pill, the contraceptive effect may be reduced and you need to follow these instructions:
Do not stop taking the active pill for longer than 7 days. If you forget the first week, take it as soon as you remember, you can take 2 pills at the same time and continue to take the medicine as usual. In the 2nd week, if you forget to take a pill, take it as soon as you remember as soon as possible and can take 2 pills at the same time, then continue to take the medicine as usual. If you are sure you have taken 7 pills in a row before you forget, you do not need to use additional methods of birth control. Week 3: Contraception will decrease, but by adjusting the pill schedule, it is possible to prevent the decrease in ability to prevent pregnancy. It is not necessary to use another method of contraception if the 7 days before the missed dose have taken the correct pill.

4. Asumate plus side effects

In the process of using Asumate plus may encounter some unwanted effects such as:
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting,... Breast tenderness or tenderness, secretion changes, menstrual disorders, inflammation Vaginal infection ... Arteriovenous occlusion due to thrombosis, high blood pressure... Yellowing of the skin, itching,... Depending on the location of each person, they may experience different side effects. When you see abnormal signs after using the drug, immediately contact a qualified doctor for advice and timely treatment.

5. Drug interactions

Asumate plus may interfere with the effects of medications you are taking or increase side effects. Therefore, to ensure safety when using, you should inform your doctor about all medications you are taking to avoid interactions.
Some drugs that interact with Asumate plus to watch out for include:
Other oral contraceptives. Some antibiotics such as: Ampicillin, Rifampicin, Tetracycline, ... can reduce the activity of Asumate plus. Potassium-sparing diuretics and ACE inhibitors, Angiotensin II receptor antagonists.

6. Notes and cautions

When using Asumate plus, to ensure safety and achieve good results, users should note and be cautious:
Use the drug according to the advice and indications of a qualified doctor, carefully read the instructions Use the manufacturer's instructions to understand the drug information, should check the expiration date of the drug before use. It should be checked to make sure that when starting to take the drug is not pregnant. Be careful when using the drug for obese people, people with a history of thromboembolism in veins and arteries, people having major surgery,... to limit the risk of venous and arterial thrombosis. The drug should be used with caution in people with high blood pressure, migraines, smokers, and a history of heart disease. The medication must be used regularly and in the full dose as directed for it to be fully effective. The drug is not recommended for children, women who are or are suspected of being pregnant, women who are breastfeeding. The drug has not been observed to affect the ability to drive and use machines, so this subject can use it.

7. Treatment of overdose Asumate plus

To date, there have been no reports of serious signs of overdose with Asumate plus. From experience, mild reactions such as nausea, vomiting and light bleeding may be encountered.
Currently there is no specific antidote and should be treated symptomatically when there are signs of overdose.
In case of danger and emergency, immediately take the patient to the nearest medical facility for emergency treatment and timely treatment.

8. Preservation of Asumate plus

The medicine should be stored at room temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, in a cool and dry place, away from moisture and sunlight. Do not store medicine in the freezer compartment or in places with high humidity such as the bathroom.
Store medicines in a place that is easy to see, easy to remember, easy to get but need to be out of reach of small children to avoid children playing and taking wrong drugs that affect health.
If the medicine can no longer be used (damaged or expired), do not throw the medicine into the toilet or flush it under the tap every day. You can contact your doctor, pharmacist or local waste disposal company for advice on how to safely dispose of medicines.
Above is all the information about Asumate plus that women need to know to know how to use it safely and achieve the best contraceptive effect when not intending or ready to become pregnant.

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