Uses of Artrilase

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Artrilase is indicated for treatment in the case of relieving the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Let's find out what Artrilase is used for, how to use it and the notes when using it to ensure safety and effectiveness for patients in the article below.

1. What is Artrilase?

Artrilase contains the main ingredient Glucosamine sulfate sodium 1500mg and other excipients just enough provided by the manufacturer. The drug is prepared in the form of granules mixed with oral solution, packaged in a box of 30 packs.
Active ingredient Glucosamine is an amino - monosaccharide, a raw material for the synthesis of proteoglycan, when entering the body, it has the effect of stimulating the synthesis of cells in articular cartilage and promoting the polymerization process to create structure. normal proteoglycans. The result of this process is muco - polysaccharide, which is the basic component of the articular cartilage head. Glucosamine sulfate also inhibits enzymes that destroy joint cartilage such as collagenase, phospholinase A2 and reduces superoxide free radicals that destroy cartilage-producing cells at the ends of articular cartilage. In addition, Glucosamine sulfate also has the additional effect of stimulating the reproduction of bone connective tissue, reducing bone calcium loss.
Because Glucosamine sulfate increases the production of synovial mucus, it increases viscosity and increases the lubricating capacity of synovial fluid. Therefore, Glucosamine sulfate not only helps reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis (such as pain, difficulty in movement) but also prevents the process of joint degeneration, preventing the progression of the disease.
Mechanism of action of the above drugs affects the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, treats both acute and chronic degenerative osteoarthritis diseases, with or without pain symptoms, improves joint function and prevents Prevent the disease from getting worse for the patient, help restore the cartilage structure.

2. Uses of Artrilase

Artrilase is indicated for treatment in the following cases:
Support to help relieve pain symptoms and also have an effective effect in helping to preserve articular cartilage for patients with existing conditions. degenerative arthritis, primary and secondary rheumatoid arthritis. Support in the treatment of diseases related to ankylosing spondylitis, cartilage damage caused by trauma. In addition, Artrilase is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients are allergic to the active ingredient Glucosamine sulfate or other excipients in the composition of the drug. Pregnant and lactating women.

3. Dosage and how to use Artrilase

Artrilase drug is prepared in the form of granules for solution. The patient takes the drug orally. The drug can be taken with or without a meal because it is not affected by food. Mix the sachet with 1 full glass of boiling water to cool.
Below is the dose of Artrilase drug:
Patients use with a dose of 1 pack per day. Use continuously for 6 to 8 weeks until symptoms are clinically markedly improved. Note: The above drug dosage is only the recommended dosage provided by the manufacturer. Specific treatment dosage depends on the condition and health of each patient for the doctor to prescribe appropriately. Therefore, do not self-medicate without consulting your doctor.

4. Artrilase side effects

The doctor always considers the benefit that Artrilase brings to the patient and the possible risk of side effects to prescribe the appropriate drug.
Artrilase drug is well tolerated, undesirable effects often appear during the first time when taking the drug, usually the side effects are mild and transient.
Some common side effects when taking Artrilase include:
Gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea, indigestion, burning sensation in the chest, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pain in the stomach - esophagus , loss of appetite, dry mouth, bloating. Note: There may be other side effects that may occur while taking this medicine. In case the patient is suspected of any side effects, it is necessary to immediately notify the doctor or the medical person in charge if there is any doubt about the side effects of Artrilase.

5. Artrilase drug interactions

Some drug interactions may occur when used in combination with Artrilase and other drugs such as:
When combined with Tetracyclines, there may be a risk of increasing the absorption of the drug. Reduces the absorption of drugs such as penicillin and chloramphenicol. Reduces the effectiveness of drugs such as Doxorubicin, Teniposide, Etoposide. During the use of Artrilase, drug interactions may occur when used in combination with other drugs or food. To limit the occurrence of harmful interactions for the patient, before being prescribed Artrilase by the doctor, the patient should inform the patient about the drugs they are taking, including prescription or non-prescription drugs, functional foods. , medicinal,...

6. Precautions when taking Artrilase

Some notes when patients take Artrilase drug as follows:
Artrilase drug does not cause serious gastrointestinal disorders, so it can be used for long-term treatment. Patients should adhere to repeat treatment for 6 months or less depending on the progress of the disease. Artrilase is a drug indicated to treat the cause of the disease, not just the symptom, so often the symptoms cannot be reduced immediately, but can begin to work after 1 week of taking the drug. Therefore, in case the patient has a lot of pain symptoms, it can be used in combination with anti-inflammatory pain relievers as prescribed by the doctor in the first few days to reduce discomfort caused by the disease. Use caution when using the drug with patients with a history of allergy to shrimp and crab or products containing shrimp and crab. Patients should take the drug exactly as directed by the doctor, do not change the dose without consulting the doctor. Although the patient may see improvement in symptoms, the drug should not be discontinued. Absolutely do not give Artrilase to other people if they have similar symptoms. Patients should check the expiration date on the package before using the drug, if the drug has expired, it should not be used, because it is possible that the drug can cause other harmful side effects due to the deterioration of the drugs. ingredients of the drug. Pregnant women: During pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy, women should not self-medicate with any medication. Potential risks may occur when the mother takes drugs that are not prescribed by the doctor that affect the fetus such as miscarriage, malformation,... Although according to research, Artrilase drug does not cause teratogenicity in children. animals during pregnancy, but there are no adequate studies to confirm no potential hazard to the fetus. Therefore, the drug can only be used when it has been examined, diagnosed and prescribed by a doctor. Lactation: According to clinical studies, Artrilase is known to be excreted in breast milk, so the drug may affect the baby while the mother is breastfeeding. In the event that this drug must be used for treatment, the mother should stop breastfeeding.

7. What to do in case of missed dose or overdose of Artrilase?

When the patient forgets to take the medicine, take the dose as soon as you remember it. It is recommended that most of the drugs are taken about 1-2 hours later than the daily dose, so it does not affect the treatment. The missed dose may be skipped if it is time to take it for the day. Absolutely avoid making up for a double dose when you forget to take the medicine. If you accidentally exceed the prescribed dose, the patient should self-monitor if any symptoms are suspected. The first thing to do is to stop taking the drug and notify the treating doctor for advice. In severe cases, patients need to go to the hospital immediately for timely treatment to avoid serious complications. Patients should also remember to bring used medicines with them so that the doctor can understand the information and handle it quickly and promptly. Hopefully, the above article has provided all relevant information about the uses, dosage and some notes when using Artrilase. Patients need to take Artrilase exactly as directed by the treating doctor. Note, Artrilase is a prescription drug, patients can only use this drug when prescribed by a specialist.

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