Uses of Alkanna Root

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Alkanna Root is researched for use in skin problems. However, if used incorrectly, the drug can seriously affect the functional organs in the body. Make sure you know the information about the drug and take it when directed by your doctor.

1. The effect of the drug Alkanna Root

What is Alkanna? Alkanna Root pills are made from the ingredient Alkanna. This ingredient is researched to have the effect of tightening pores and brightening the skin. Therefore, in some cases, Alkanna Root can be used to treat skin diseases caused by wounds or skin diseases.
Some other studies using Alkanna root analysis have found the use of treating digestive disorders and stomach ulcers. Alkanna root is alkaline, so it can remove impurities from the skin. At the same time, according to research results, using Alkanna root can prevent the aging process from forming. Laboratory results have proven that monomeric Alkanna and oligomeric are substances with flexibility in waste removal and deep impact on the skin.
In addition, A.tinctoria extract found in olive oil can also deeply remove the effects on the skin. When tested in animals, the crude extract of A. tinctoria showed antibacterial activity against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and fungi. Bacteria that form biofilms that prevent the body from healing wounds can be controlled with Alkanna supplementation.

2. Dosage of the drug Alkanna Root

Currently, the drug Alkanna Root has not been studied and evaluated for feasibility in the human body. Therefore, you cannot use the drug on your own without going through a doctor's supervision. With animals, studies were performed in rabbits using a 16% solution of A. tinctoria. This substance is applied 2 times per day. Burn wounds subside in 7-10 days. For burns caused by olive oil, you can heal in 26 days. However, it is necessary to determine that the body will not react badly if the burn wound is treated but the subject is susceptible to A. tinctoria.

3. Notes when using Alkanna Root medicine

The composition of the drug, especially in the Alkanna Root, contains substances that are toxic to the liver and lungs. They are thought to be cyclical causative agents such as retrorsine and senecionine. Fulvine and monocrotaline have been found to affect the liver and lungs when intoxicated. The manifestations of hepatocellular hypertrophy, liver cell metabolism disorders caused by toxins in the drug's ingredients will impair liver function and may cause serious effects.

4. Alkanna Root side effects

Alkana contains a toxic ingredient called a pyrrolizidine alkaloid. When this substance enters the body, if it is not controlled, it will cause serious poisoning by the authorities. In addition, you need to pay attention to a few unusual manifestations of the body when taking the drug to avoid serious health effects.
Some side effects are dangerous to the health and pathology of the patient:
Acute liver function decline. Cirrhosis . Pneumonia . Pulmonary hypertension. Heart failure. In addition, when you encounter problems such as hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, you may be allergic through manifestations such as:
Dizziness, dizziness. Headache, dizziness. Prolonged fatigue. Mental health declines. The side effects of the drug have only been announced based on actual results. Some other reactions are still possible. You can refer to other dangers while taking the drug to avoid.

5. Some interactions affect the use of Alkanna Root

Ingredients Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid is a substrate that can interact with some substances such as Rifampin or phenobarbital,... Substances that are sensitive to the ingredients of Alkanna Root will promote the conversion of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid into a toxic substance that causes toxicity. dangerous for the patient. When toxins are metabolized, they move from the liver to the lungs. The places they go through may not affect much, but the lungs will be the organ that suffers the most.
Some patients taking pyrrolizidine alkaloids have been found to have an increased risk of sinus obstruction. This disease is called venoocclusive a complication of liver after bone marrow transplant. In animal studies, other, more dangerous findings were also discovered. The alkaloid Pyrrolizidine has been shown to cause cancer in the animals used in the study. Especially cancer related to the liver such as hepatocellular carcinoma, squamous cell or liver hemangioma.
Specific information about Alkanna Root products still needs further research and testing to ensure maximum safety for humans. Although it has been used, some serious effects of the drug cannot be completely prevented. During treatment, patients should pay attention to strictly follow the instructions from the doctor. At the same time, always check your health and you can contact a specialist doctor for detailed advice on drug effects according to the current body condition.

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