Uses of Acezyme

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Acezym belongs to the group of emergency and antidote drugs prepared in the form of intravenous injection. Acezym 600 is only used when prescribed by a qualified doctor. Therefore, in addition to carefully reading the instructions when using the patient should follow what is prescribed.

1. Composition and use of the drug Acezym

Acezym drug is prepared in the form of powder for injection and 1 tube of 10ml solvent with the main ingredient being Glutathion 600mg. Glutathion in the drug acts as an endogenous tripeptide and is present in the cells of all organs and apparatus of the body. Therefore, glutathione is often used in the treatment of toxicity associated with hepatotoxicity caused by ethyl alcohol or drugs or by specific chemotherapeutic agents.
With the above list of ingredients and active ingredients, the drug is prescribed by a doctor to treat the following cases:
Support to reduce the neurotoxicity of radiation therapy and chemotherapy for cancer. The drug is usually given intravenously just before radiation therapy and before chemotherapy regimens of these chemicals. Support in the treatment of mercury poisoning Support in the treatment of diseases related to peripheral, coronary and hematological disorders. Support treatment of subarachnoid hemorrhage Support in the treatment of acute pancreatitis In addition, Acezym 600 also plays a role in supporting the treatment of many other diseases, but it is necessary to have an appointment and examination by a doctor. specialize.

2. Dosage and how to use Acezym in treatment

Because it is prepared in the form of intravenous injection, the way to use Acezym is quite complicated.
The drug is administered intravenously 600 mg / day. For more severe cases it may be 600-1200 mg/day. Guidelines for drug administration for intravenous injectors. Reconstitute the 1200 mg powder vial first with 4 ml of distilled water for injection, then dilute with at least 20 ml of the infusion solution: 5% dextrose, 10% dextrose, 0.9% sodium chloride, Lactated Ringer, sodium bicarbonate 1.4%,.... Intravenous infusion in 30 minutes Use by intramuscular route, support in the treatment of infertility in men: 600 mg -1200 mg/day, intramuscularly continuously for 2 months. The solution for injection is stable for about 2 hours at room temperature (25°C) and about 8 hours at 0°C to 5°C. The use of the drug should be done under the direction of a specialist doctor or pharmacist. It should be noted that the above dosages are for reference only and may not be correct in all cases. Because the dose used in treatment depends a lot on pathological factors, age, drug response. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden for patients to arbitrarily use drugs without indications, because this has many potential risks.

3. Matters needing attention when using Acezym

In order for the treatment with Acezym to achieve good results, patients should pay attention to the following issues:
Acezym is not recommended for people who are sensitive to any of its ingredients. Pregnant and lactating women are strictly forbidden to use the drug, because it may affect the health of the fetus and the mother's baby, because the drug can cross the placenta and breast milk. A small number of subjects when using the drug can cause mild irritation such as nausea, vomiting, headache, skin rash... usually these reactions do not affect health, so patients should not very worry. Over time, after the end of treatment, these reactions will subside and disappear. Before the drug is administered intravenously, the drug must be completely dissolved in water for injection for a clear, colorless solution and slow injection. The drug can cause drowsiness or fatigue when used, so drivers, operating machinery should be careful. Above is all important information about Acezym, before using in treatment, patients need to carefully read the instructions and consult a specialist to get the best effect.

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