Use the 5 S's to soothe your baby

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Posted by Master, Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

If your child is often fussy, disobedient and you are gradually feeling stuck in the parenting journey. So this is when you should apply the 5-S method to improve the problem.

1. What is the letter S used for?

Your baby's cries are the only way for them to tell you they need something. But you played with your baby, fed him, burped him, checked his diaper and made sure he wasn't in pain. , so why are they still fussy? Don't rush to despair and you can use the 5 S's to ease your baby's comfort.
Here are two of the problems this method targets:
1.1 Colic (colic) Between 5 and 19 percent of babies have a rather vague condition known as “colic.” (This is often the cause of fussiness in babies, and it's often because babies are getting used to their new digestive system.)
1.2 Insomnia Falling asleep isn't always easy for babies, and it does. especially true if the child is too tired. By recreating the sensations experienced in the womb, parents can lull their baby into a long and relaxing sleep.
Research shows that tummy tuck babies face a significantly higher risk of SIDS. So you definitely don't want to put your baby on his or her stomach to sleep, but you can help your baby sleep on his or her stomach.
Step 1: Swaddle Wrapping pants means wrapping your child to make them warmer. Anecdotal reports and several contemporary studies suggest that swaddled infants sleep longer and better than unswaddled infants. In addition, swaddling reduces the likelihood that babies will wake themselves up with the Moro reflex, startling at sudden sounds or movements, and swinging their small arms.
The easy way to wrap a scarf is briefly described as follows: First lay your baby down on a piece of soft cloth that has been folded into a diamond shape. Fold one side of the fabric back and tie under their arms. Lift the bottom up and tuck it in. Fold the second side over and tuck the end into the fabric that wraps around your baby's back.

Phương pháp Swaddle giúp em bé thấy ấm áp hơn
Phương pháp Swaddle giúp em bé thấy ấm áp hơn

Step 2: Tummy Position Research shows that babies who sleep on their stomachs sleep longer and don't respond as quickly to noise. However, there is a big problem that placing babies on their stomach or side is very dangerous because it increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
According to Karp, keeping your baby in a supine position activates a calming mechanism that helps calm your baby's shaky system. So keep holding your baby on their stomach or side, resting them on your shoulder or resting them on your forearm, the part of your hand supporting their head. But remember, once your baby has calmed down, put him on his back for sleep time.
Tips for the perfect prone position. Place your bare baby on your chest with skin-to-skin contact for a great bonding time. A 2020 study found that even premature babies (30 weeks after birth) are calmed by this exposure.
By the time your baby is 6 months old, your baby will most likely be able to roll over on his own, but it's still best to play it safe, follow the rules, and continue to lay him on his back until he's 1 year old.
Step 3: Shush While in the womb, the baby hears many sounds such as: blood circulation pumping, breathing in and out, digestive system, outside noises... According to research, that controlled in-breath and out-breath sounds can change a baby's heart rate and improve sleep patterns. Science calls this “infatuation”. Mothers call it the miracle of saving their sanity.
Tip for the perfect shushing technique is not to turn the volume down, your baby will probably calm down most quickly if you scream loudly and for a long time
Step 4: Swing Movement is a great way to soothe a child crying children. In fact, 2014 research in both animals and humans found that crying babies held by their mothers would immediately stop all voluntary movements and cry.
Parents should pay attention, never shake the baby, because it can lead to brain damage and even death. Accordingly, you just lull your baby and gently put him to sleep so that he can easily fall asleep when he is lying on the crib or in your arms.

Step 5: Suck - suck sucking is one of the initial reflexes that babies have. When you start practicing in the womb as a 14-week-old embryo, your baby is already adept at suckling. (Lots of babies have been detected by ultrasound.)
Although you can let your baby suckle in your breast, for a little more freedom you can use a pacifier. Keep in mind that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) generally recommends using a pacifier until your baby has established good breastfeeding habits at around 3 or 4 weeks of age.

Cha mẹ có thể cho bé làm quen với núm vú giả
Cha mẹ có thể cho bé làm quen với núm vú giả

As you practice these five steps and learn what works best for your baby, you will add your personal transformation in the most positive direction.
If you are still concerned that the baby's crying condition cannot be improved, please share with your doctor about the above concerns to have the most positive direction to improve. Normally, children from 1 to 6 months of age are generally prone to respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal infections, malnourishment, etc., leading to crying day and night. To protect children's health, parents should do well to exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first 6 months (if possible) and vaccinate on schedule. As soon as a child shows symptoms such as anorexia, fatigue, and crying, the child needs to go to the hospital to be consulted by a specialist for monitoring and treatment.
Pediatrics Department - Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining diseases that babies and young children are prone to. With modern equipment and a team of highly skilled doctors will bring the best examination and treatment results for children.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Buil A, et al. (2020). Fostering mother-very preterm infant communication during skin-to-skin contact through a modified positioning.
Esposito G, et al. (two thousand and thirteen). Infant calming responses during maternal carrying in humans and mice.
Feldman R, et al. (2011). Mother and infant coordinate heart rhythms through episodes of interaction synchrony.
Gerard CM, et al. (2002). Spontaneous arousals in supine babies while swaddled and unswaddled during rapid eye movement and quiet sleep.
Harrington JW, et al. (2012). Effective analgesia using physical interventions for infant immunizations.
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