Use safe disinfectant cleaning solution

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Using disinfectant cleaning solution properly will help prevent the risk of spreading many dangerous diseases, optimal protection for family members. However, some types of home antiseptic solutions contain many bad chemicals, so they need to be used in moderation, not overused.

1. The most important house cleaning and disinfection tasks

Perform daily cleaning and weekly disinfection for children's items, toys and living and playing areas; Should clean the house, countertops, shelves, ... that children often come into contact with with soap and specialized floor cleaning solutions. Low concentration javel water (bleaching water) can be used for daily cleaning; It is recommended to disinfect weekly on a certain day of the week to form a good habit. Disinfection includes: Soaking children's toys in antiseptic solutions, cleaning floors and shelves where children often come into contact with specialized disinfectants. Some commonly used antiseptics include: 25% chloramin B powder, bleached javel water.

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Vệ sinh bề mặt hằng ngày

2. Negative effects when using floor cleaner

Regular floor cleaning is a good habit to remove bacteria and pathogens that are harmful to health. However, if you abuse the antiseptic cleaning solutions, it can cause some unwanted consequences such as:
Affects the liver and kidneys: Most of today's cleaning solutions contain formaldehyde - substances harmful to health, especially liver and kidney function. When cleaning the house, these chemicals will spread to the surrounding environment, if exposed to much, will penetrate into the skin, through the blood, accumulate in fatty tissue, affecting the liver, kidneys, even causing blood poisoning; Allergens : Many floor cleaning products contain acids, VOCs. This is a group of substances that can cause irritation to young children and sensitive people. Therefore, if you buy and use a poor quality germicidal cleaner, users are prone to skin irritation or allergies with manifestations such as itching, redness, swelling, difficulty breathing, constant sneezing, ...;
Carcinogenic: Most of the cleaning products on the market contain cleaning chemicals based on nonyl phenol, chlorine, benzyl, sodium hypochlorite,... These are chemicals that can directly affect the environment. health, increases the risk of cancer if exposed regularly; Affects the respiratory system: Many cleaning products, disinfectant cleaning solutions contain HCl acid. At concentrated concentrations, HCl can produce haze that affects the respiratory system. In addition, the odorants in house cleaning water also increase the risk of respiratory illnesses in people with weakened immune systems, especially children. Related video:

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3. How to use disinfectant cleaning solution safely

3.1 Instructions for making disinfectant cleaning solution The disinfectant solutions that can be used at home are chloramin B and javel water. In terms of dosage, for chloramin B powder, it is recommended to mix 1 teaspoon with 1 liter of water to form a chloramin B antiseptic solution to disinfect once a week (if there are no patients at home). If there is a patient in the house, it should be mixed according to the instructions of the medical staff, usually 5 teaspoons of chloramin B powder mixed with 1 liter of water. However, the use of chloramin B powder is quite annoying because it causes an unpleasant odor, must be stored carefully, covered with a tight lid, not exposed to light to avoid losing its effect, remember the correct recipe, ...
To overcome the troubles when using chloramin B powder, households can use bleaching water (javel water) to disinfect the household. The essence of the product is a solution of sodium hypochlorite - a chemical with recommended disinfecting properties. The advantage of javel compared to chloramin B powder is that some javel water products are flavored to remove the unpleasant odor of chlorine, so it helps users feel more comfortable. How to mix javel water: If used for weekly home disinfection purposes, it is recommended to mix javel water with water at a rate twice that of the purpose of bleaching clothes.

Bột cloramin B được sử dụng pha dung dịch lau nhà khử khuẩn
Bột cloramin B được sử dụng pha dung dịch lau nhà khử khuẩn

3.2 Instructions for using disinfectant cleaning solution Wash children's toys before soaking in disinfectant solution. After soaking in the solution for about 30 minutes, you should take it out, wash it with clean water, dry it before letting your baby play; Should clean the house first with water and soap to clean dirt before wiping again with an antiseptic cleaning solution; Use 2 buckets: 1 bucket contains disinfectant solution and 1 bucket contains clean water. First, wet the wipes in a disinfectant solution to clean the house. After seeing that the towel is dirty, rinse it with clean water before continuing to dip in the disinfectant solution, repeat until the entire house is clean. Finally back home with clean water.
3.3 Note when using home disinfectants Limit for young children to come into contact with floor cleaning water because children's bodies have poor resistance, it is difficult to remove all toxins from the body . In particular, many children are not aware of the dangers of detergents, and if they drink it by mistake, it can have unpredictable consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the floor cleaning solution out of the reach of children; People with diseases related to atopic dermatitis should not come into contact with floor cleaners. The reason is because most detergents have a high content of detergents, which can damage the skin, cause it to peel, make dermatitis more serious; To ensure the concentration of disinfectant, you should choose to buy products of reputable brands, manufactured by large factories, and have been quality tested by competent authorities; Only laundry bleach should be used for indoor disinfection. Do not use color laundry detergent to clean the house to disinfect because the product does not contain sodium hypochlorite; While using disinfectant, should wear a mask, wear gloves while mixing, cleaning and soaking to avoid skin irritation. After using the disinfectant, it should be washed several times with clean water; Avoid getting household cleaners in your eyes. In case of splashes of antiseptic in the eyes, it is necessary to wash the eyes several times with clean water and see a specialist if necessary; It is possible to use vinegar or lemon juice mixed with clean water to clean the house because these are two ingredients that have the ability to kill bacteria quite well; When using water to clean the floor, turn on the fan and open the window to ventilate the air in the room, pushing toxic gas outside; Only use a certain amount of disinfectant cleaner, should not be abused; Limit the use of cleaning products containing acids, especially when the weather has high humidity because the volatile acid cannot escape to high, which will remain in the room, causing poisoning for family members; When storing, it is recommended to close the lid of the solution container, keep the disinfectant area separate from the cleaning tools, do not mix with food and drink.

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Vệ sinh nhà cửa sạch sẽ giúp phòng ngừa nhiều bệnh lý

Strictly following the instructions for using a safe antiseptic cleaning solution will help prevent many dangerous diseases for the whole family.
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