Urine aspiration on the pubic bone

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Urinalysis on the pubic bone is a method of collecting urine to diagnose and treat a number of diseases related to the urinary system. This technique is indicated only in certain cases.

1. What is suprapubic aspiration?

Suprapubic aspiration is a technique to collect urine for the diagnosis of urinary tract infections, especially in infants under 6 months of age, or in cases of urinary retention when urinary retention is not performed by catheterization methods. can now.
Urine aspiration on the pubic bone is indicated in the following cases:
Suspect that the patient has a urinary tract infection. The patient has a fever of unknown cause Urinary retention but no bladder catheter can be placed. Culture for bacteriuria as antibiotics Diagram in difficult-to-treat cases, especially in children. Urinary catheters cannot be inserted when the patient has urinary retention and the bladder bridge is overdistended. Suprapubic aspiration is contraindicated in cases of:
Coagulation disorders Severe bleeding Children over 2 years of age On anticoagulation treatment

2. Steps to conduct urine aspiration on pubic bone

Kiểm tra huyết áp cho người bệnh trước khi tiến hành chọc hút nước tiểu trên xương mu
Kiểm tra huyết áp cho người bệnh trước khi tiến hành chọc hút nước tiểu trên xương mu

Step 1: Check the patient's pulse and blood pressure before conducting urine aspiration on the pubic bone. The doctor examines and may do an ultrasound to make sure the patient has a bladder bridge at the time of the procedure.
Step 2: The doctor washes his hands, puts on a surgical gown, and wears sterile gloves
Step 3: Ask the patient to lie on their back, with their legs extended or flexed (frog leg pose). Then spread a piece of plastic cloth under the patient's buttock, then spread a sterile, non-poreless stretch. Disinfect the entire area to be prepared for the procedure.
Step 4: Determine the location to be punctured is the mid-white line, on the skin fold right next to the pubic bone. The assistant nurse disinfects the puncture site (abdominal skin from the joint to the middle of the navel).
Step 5: Anesthetize the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the urine aspiration area. Insert the needle vertically through the skin and subcutaneous tissue. When the needle has passed through the bladder wall, aspirate urine, remove the first 5ml of urine to remove red blood cells when the needle goes through the bladder wall, subcutaneous tissue, then aspirate urine into the test tubes. In case the patient has urinary retention, the bladder can be sucked out to reduce the pressure in the bladder for the patient.

3. Monitoring and handling of accidents

Follow-up after suprapubic aspiration:
Bleeding at the point of urinalysis Leaking urine through the puncture site Treatment of complications:
Bleeding at the point of urinalysis: Need to apply pressure to the bleeding site, follow closely. Piercing too deeply through the posterior wall of the bladder into the rectum leading to infection: Needs antibiotic treatment. Infection, urine leakage: Treatment according to professional protocol. Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. and hospital treatment.
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