Urinary tract infection during pregnancy: Causes, signs, and ways to prevent it

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Tran Thi Mai Huong - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Urinary tract infection is a common disease in pregnant women and leaves many dangerous complications. Therefore, the signs, causes and ways to prevent urinary tract infections during pregnancy are issues of concern to many pregnant women.

1. Causes of urinary tract infections during pregnancy

The main causative agent is E.coli bacteria, when excreted through feces they are the main cause of diseases of other organs near the anus including the urinary tract and vagina.
During pregnancy, due to the increased muscle mass of the uterus, it presses on the urinary tract, causing compression and stagnation of urine. Urine tends to back up from the bladder to the urethra, creating favorable conditions for bacteria to grow and cause disease.
Habit of drinking less water causes urine to be concentrated, urine stagnation and reflux easily cause urinary tract inflammation.
In addition, bacteria entering the urethra causing urethritis if not treated can enter the bladder causing cystitis and through the ureter causing pyelonephritis.

Trắc nghiệm: Chỉ số tiểu đường thai kỳ nguy hiểm như thế nào đối với thai nhi?

Không chỉ ảnh hưởng xấu đến sức khỏe người mẹ, tiểu đường thai kỳ còn gây nguy hại đến sự phát triển của thai nhi. Cùng làm bài trắc nghiệm sau đây để hiểu rõ hơn về sự ảnh hưởng của tiểu đường thai kỳ đối với thai nhi như thế nào nhé!

The following content is prepared under supervision of Bác sĩ chuyên khoa I, Lê Hồng Liên , Sản phụ khoa , Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Central Park

Lê Hồng Liên
Lê Hồng Liên
Bác sĩ chuyên khoa I,
Sản phụ khoa
Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Central Park

2. Signs of urinary tract infection during pregnancy

For urethritis and cystitis, there will be the following symptoms
Burning sensation when urinating, painful urination, frequent urination, difficulty urinating - sometimes having to push Urine may be cloudy, with blood in the patient fatigue, may have mild fever or usually no fever Urine test is positive for leukocytosis, positive for nitrite), hematuria may be seen. Cases of pyelonephritis: When urethritis and cystitis are not treated, it leads to complications of acute pyelonephritis with manifestations
High fever (39 - 40 degrees Celsius), chills, rapid pulse Painful urination , difficulty urinating Cloudy urine, sometimes with blood in the lower back pain is a common symptom, sometimes dull pain, sometimes severe pain, penetrating down the pelvis and down the genitals Nausea or vomiting Vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite The condition often appears in people with urinary tract stones, urinary tract malformations Urine test shows signs of infection (positive white blood cells, positive nitrite), can see red blood cells. in urine If not treated promptly, it can cause septic shock, circulatory failure, respiratory failure, acute kidney failure ... affecting mother and baby, risk of miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, low birth weight babies...

Buồn nôn hay nôn, mệt mỏi chán ăn là triệu chứng của viêm đường tiết niệu
Buồn nôn hay nôn, mệt mỏi chán ăn là triệu chứng của viêm đường tiết niệu

3. Treatment of urinary tract infections during pregnancy

Treatment modality for pregnant women with urethritis and cystitis
Outpatient treatment using antibiotics combined with dietary modification The antibiotic of choice is beta-lactam group , can be used for pregnant women without affecting the fetus. Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, drink plenty of water. Treatment of acute pyelonephritis
As an acute disease, the patient is actively treated at the hospital Use antibiotics according to the results of the antibiotic chart or when the results of the antibiotic chart are not available for broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy According to the doctor's experience, Assess and monitor the status of pulse, temperature, blood pressure In case the patient has stones or malformations of the urinary tract, the mother is temporarily placed to drain urine through a catheter.

4. How to prevent urinary tract infections

Actively prevent urinary tract infections during pregnancy by the following methods
Periodic urine test about every 3 months. Adequate diet, drink enough water Do not hold urine when you want to urinate, urinate immediately after intercourse When defecating or going to the toilet should wipe from front to back, to avoid infection from the anus back up Clean with clean water daily from front to back Thoroughly treat vulvovaginitis, cervicitis to avoid transmission to the urinary tract.

Chế độ ăn uống đầy đủ chất, uống đủ nước để phòng ngừa viêm đường tiết niệu
Chế độ ăn uống đầy đủ chất, uống đủ nước để phòng ngừa viêm đường tiết niệu

5. Treatment of urinary tract infections at Vinmec

Customers who have regular prenatal check-ups at Vinmec International General Hospital will be tested to diagnose the risk of urinary tract infections and receive early treatment if there is a urinary tract infection.
When being treated at Vinmec, customers can rest assured that leading obstetricians and gynecologists will monitor, evaluate and treat their disease actively, avoiding complications. appropriate and effective treatment Full consultation on measures to prevent urinary tract infections to avoid recurrence of the disease. Maternity services at Vinmec make the pregnancy process easier and safer for pregnant women. During pregnancy, pregnant women will be examined by top doctors in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department with high professional qualifications and experience, giving the best advice and treatment for the health of both mother and child. little.

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