Treatment combined with rest in people with vestibular disorders

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Huynh An Thien - Neurologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International Hospital.
Current treatment of vestibular disorders is mainly medical treatment and changes in lifestyle and behavior, spending more time resting, eating right, and limiting stress. Proper application will help improve the condition of the disease better.

1. Having vestibular disorder should do?

Current methods of treating vestibular disorders are mainly medical treatment and lifestyle changes. In particular, the patient must completely comply with the instructions of the treating doctor on the drug regimen and time. Patients should be consulted carefully about issues such as vestibular disorders what to do or what to eat, absolutely not to apply treatment on their own. Thus, the new therapeutic effect can be optimal and limit the risk of recurrence, especially in patients with peripheral vestibular disorders.
In the acute stage, when the patient is showing signs of dizziness, vomiting, loss of balance, the following treatment should be done:
Put in a room with light light, a quiet space Lie down with your head low, keep still In the head area Use antiemetic drugs intravenously Rehydrate and electrolytes the body The drugs to treat vestibular disorders need to be used in combination in 2 groups:
Anti-vertigo drug group, including antihistamines, drugs selective calcium inhibitors, benzodiazepines; The group of drugs that enhance cerebral circulation and improve the vestibule, including betahistine, piracetam, almitrin-raubasin, ginkgo biloba.

Người bệnh rối loạn tiền đình cần được nghỉ ngơi trong không gian yên tĩnh
Người bệnh rối loạn tiền đình cần được nghỉ ngơi trong không gian yên tĩnh

2. Rest and movement regime in people with vestibular disorders

In order to effectively treat vestibular disorders, in addition to the medication regimen, patients also need to change their lifestyle and behavior, including:
Eating and drinking science and nutrition Lying with the head low, not using the pillow too high Bedroom and the resting place must be airy, avoid excessively bright lights, light space, limit noise Light exercise, moderate exercise (eg, exercise) for blood circulation Massage the temples, facial massage Balance life, avoid stress Avoid staying up late, get enough sleep, ideally sleep 6 hours or more a day Avoid a sad mood, because sometimes feeling uncomfortable leads to troubles endogenous disorders, making vestibular disorders worse.

Xoa nắn vùng thái dương,
Xoa nắn vùng thái dương,

3. Vestibular disorders eat what?

In the process of curing vestibular disorders, in addition to complying with the treatment instructions of the doctor, building a reasonable diet is one of the methods to help optimize the effectiveness of treatment. Accordingly, patients with vestibular disorders should:
Consume a lot of natural foods, such as green vegetables, fresh fruits to supplement minerals and vitamins, thereby enhancing immunity for body. Drink plenty and enough water every day (about 1.5 liters of water) to replace the lost body water. It is advisable to keep filtered water at work or near the workplace to practice the habit of drinking water regularly, avoiding drinking until too thirsty. Get natural sugars and salts from grains and seeds. Avoid foods or drinks that are high in sugar and salt. Avoid foods and drinks that contain stimulants like caffeine, which can make tinnitus worse. Limit drinking alcohol, smoking, because these agents will affect the central nervous system and cause headaches.

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Chế độ ăn nhiều rau xanh cho bệnh nhân rối loạn tiền đình

4. How to prevent vestibular disorders

In general, vestibular dysfunction syndrome is easy to recur. Many patients progress in stages, can be cured in this phase, but then relapse again. In particular, some cases progressed very seriously, requiring hospitalization for treatment.
To prevent vestibular disorders, it is necessary to regularly practice sports. For people who often work in the office, they should change their posture often, avoid sitting for too long in front of the computer. Perform regular exercises to move the head and neck area. In addition, when suspecting signs of disease, it is necessary to see a doctor at otolaryngology and neurology for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.

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