Transvaginal ultrasound

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Tong Diu Huong - Radiologist - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Currently, transvaginal ultrasound technology is used to check and evaluate abnormal signs in the uterus and ovaries, adnexal adhesions, tubal fluid retention, early pregnancy diagnosis. high value in the examination and treatment of infertility, infertility..

1. What is transvaginal ultrasound?

Transvaginal transvaginal ultrasound is a popular imaging method today with high accuracy, conducted in the female private area. The doctor will use an ultrasound probe about 2 or 3 inches in size inserted through the vaginal canal, to examine the internal genital organs including: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix. and vagina.

2. The role of transvaginal ultrasound

Vaginal transvaginal ultrasound helps to evaluate the genital organs, assess the thickness of the uterine lining, observe the development of eggs as well as the ovulation situation, detect tumors such as: ovarian cysts, fibroids .
Depending on the pathology, depending on the diagnostic purpose, the doctor may appoint the patient to be examined by transvaginal ultrasound or also anal transvaginal ultrasound.

In the field of obstetrics and gynecology, through ultrasound images, doctors can see the growth and abnormalities of organs or the fetus, evaluate tumors in the uterus, ovaries, evaluate fetal heart rate. In the 6th-8th week of pregnancy, the status of pus-filled fallopian tubes, water retention, assessment of tumor origin in the pelvis, measurement of egg size to assess ovulation time, serving for artificial insemination techniques..
Prenatal examination with anal transducer ultrasound helps diagnose diseases in the rectum, pelvic region, and prostate gland.

Kỹ thuật siêu âm đầu dò âm đạo giúp đánh giá một số tình trạng bệnh lý phụ khoa
Kỹ thuật siêu âm đầu dò âm đạo giúp đánh giá một số tình trạng bệnh lý phụ khoa

3. Pros and cons of transvaginal ultrasound

3.1 Advantages Helps doctors see more clearly the female internal genital organs and pelvic pathologies that cannot be seen by abdominal ultrasound.
3.2 Cons Only performed vaginally for women who have had sex and whose hymen has ruptured. Visceral visceral visceral visceral visceral visceral visceral viscera, not visceral visceral upper abdominal cavity.

4. What are the risk factors for transvaginal ultrasound?

To date, there are no health risks associated with transvaginal ultrasound. Performing transvaginal ultrasound for pregnant women is also safe for both mother and fetus because ultrasound does not use radiation at all.
When the transducer is inserted into the vagina, some patients experience discomfort. However, the discomfort is usually not much and will go away once it's done.

5. When is transducer ultrasound needed?

Usually, women are indicated for transvaginal ultrasound when:
Gynecological examination or abnormal abdominal - pelvic pain Unexplained vaginal bleeding Ectopic pregnancy

Siêu âm đầu dò âm đạo giúp chẩn đoán chính xác tình trạng thai ngoài tử cung
Siêu âm đầu dò âm đạo giúp chẩn đoán chính xác tình trạng thai ngoài tử cung

Vaginal dryness Checking for ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids Confirm that the IUD is in place In addition, your Doctor may also recommend a transvaginal ultrasound during pregnancy to:
Confirm pregnancy Early Fetal heart test at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy Observation of the cervix to check for changes or risk of miscarriage or preterm birth Check for abnormalities of the placenta Determine maternal cause abnormal bleeding Check the status of pus stasis in the fallopian tubes, water retention, assessment of ovulation time, support for artificial insemination techniques

Tim thai tuần thứ 8 được đo băng phương pháp siêu âm đầu dò âm đạo
Tim thai tuần thứ 8 được đo băng phương pháp siêu âm đầu dò âm đạo

6. Notes on transducer ultrasound

Although there are no special requirements, you also need to know in advance the following notes when doing transducer ultrasound:
Before performing this method, the mother must urinate so that the bladder will empty so that it does not interfere with the device Inward ultrasound. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Keeping the mind comfortable, the body relaxed, not tense, tight will interfere with the doctor's operation. Do not perform transvaginal ultrasound during menstruation or have an acute infection of the vagina, nor is it indicated by the doctor to use this method. Transducer ultrasound is one of the most widely used safe ultrasound techniques today. However, not all cases of gynecological and obstetric examination are indicated with transducer ultrasound.
Transvaginal ultrasound is a technique that uses a specialized ultrasound probe inserted into the vagina to evaluate the ovaries, uterus and pelvic components. Therefore, this method is not applied to children, women who have not had sex or in other words have not yet broken the hymen. In cases where it is necessary to investigate the pathology of the uterus and ovaries in a woman who has not had sex, the doctor may order transvaginal transvaginal ultrasound instead of the vagina.

Thường xuyên khám sức khỏe định kỳ là cách giúp chị em khỏe mạnh hơn
Thường xuyên khám sức khỏe định kỳ là cách giúp chị em khỏe mạnh hơn

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