Tips to help thin phlegm for children

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Le Thanh Cam - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
Weak resistance and changes in weather easily cause children to catch colds and flu, causing prolonged cough and sputum, affecting living and studying. In addition to complying with the doctor's treatment, parents should use foods with expectorant effect to help children recover faster.

1. How does a cough affect a child's health?

When pathogens enter the airways, they trigger an inflammatory response. In the early stages, the inflammation is mild and almost asymptomatic until fibrosis and remodeling in the airways take place. At this time, the airway mucosa is proliferated, enlarged and fibrosis, destroying the original soft structure, losing elasticity and reducing respiratory function.
More advanced inflammation will manifest itself through coughs. In the cough may be accompanied by sputum, chest tightness, shortness of breath, high fever. At this time, the lining of the airways becomes more sensitive, any agent can stimulate the production of sputum and mucus, making the cough more frequent and worse.
The prolonged cough greatly affects the child's daily activities and learning ability. Therefore, parents should monitor and take their children to the doctor for definitive treatment to avoid recurrence of the disease, causing complications later. Children need to be used medicine according to the doctor's instructions and proper nutrition to recover faster.

2. Methods to help thin phlegm and reduce cough for children

Diluted phlegm will help cough up phlegm more effectively. In addition to using drugs as prescribed by the doctor, parents need to add the following foods to help the child's airways:
2.1 Diluted water Saline salt water helps to loosen phlegm effectively and soothes feeling dry and itchy throat, can kill bacteria, cure infections, avoid producing more phlegm. To loosen phlegm with salt water by mixing salt in a cup of warm water. Gargle with salt water before going to bed, waking up early in the morning, after each meal or when there is a lot of phlegm.
Lemon Lemon is a fruit that has the effect of dissolving phlegm and mucus. Vitamin C present in lemons helps to kill disease-causing bacteria. Sputum with lemons by mixing lemon juice with a little honey in a glass of warm water and stir well, divided into several times a day. Another way is to mix salt, pepper with thinly sliced ​​lemon and suck these pieces of lemon 2-3 times per day to help reduce phlegm effectively.

Chanh là loại quả có công dụng tiêu đờm và các dịch nhày
Chanh là loại quả có công dụng tiêu đờm và các dịch nhày
Herbal tea Herbal tea helps to supplement vitamins for the body and effectively fight inflammation and cough. Some effective cough suppressant teas such as ginger tea, lemon tea, honey, licorice.
Radish juice According to Oriental medicine, radish helps to eliminate phlegm and cure hoarseness. White radish peeled, diced and pressed to get water, used daily in the evening to help treat cough quickly.
Ginger Ginger has the effect of dissipating phlegm, clearing the nose, fighting infections, reducing sore throat. Use ginger effectively in treating cough by putting a few slices of fresh ginger in a glass of boiled water and steeping for a few minutes. To make it easier to drink, you can add a little honey. If you can tolerate spicy well, you can chew ginger directly or use ginger in daily meals.
Turmeric Turmeric has antiseptic properties that can treat phlegm, kill bacteria, and improve the immune system. Use turmeric to help loosen phlegm effectively by combining a cup of hot milk and a teaspoon of turmeric powder to drink every morning and before going to bed; Mix a cup of water and 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, drink 2-3 times per day. Mix a cup of hot water, a pinch of salt, and a tablespoon of turmeric and gargle several times a day.
Honey Honey has anti-fungal, antibacterial properties that help reduce phlegm, soothe an itchy throat, and promote the immune system. The way to use honey in cough, expectorant is to mix a tablespoon of honey, a little pinch of black or white pepper powder, drink it twice a week or mix warm water and honey to drink every day also gives very good results. .

Mật ong có tính chống nấm, kháng khuẩn giúp giảm đờm, làm dịu ngứa rát cổ họng thúc đẩy hệ thống miễn dịch
Mật ong có tính chống nấm, kháng khuẩn giúp giảm đờm, làm dịu ngứa rát cổ họng thúc đẩy hệ thống miễn dịch
2.2 Nutritious dishes Chicken soup/chicken soup/chicken porridge Soups, soups or porridges are nutritious foods suitable for children in the period of reduced resistance. These dishes also help moisturize the respiratory tract and reduce phlegm. Parents should give children chicken soup or chicken soup, chicken porridge 2-3 times per day. Parents can completely mix chicken with other ingredients such as garlic and ginger to help loosen phlegm more effectively.
Lettuce + Rice water According to Oriental medicine, lettuce is a herb with cool properties that helps to detoxify and eliminate phlegm. Crushed lettuce leaves mixed with rice water and simmered on low heat is an "extremely sensitive" treatment for cough with phlegm.
Hoang Tinh Porridge (Cu dong) Hoang Tinh Porridge has the effect of tonifying the spleen, clearing the waste heart, and promoting health. Prepare 30 grams of dong, 10 grams of fragrant rice. The dong tubers are washed, put in water to cook, then remove the residue to get clear water to cook porridge for children to eat to help loosen phlegm well.
Dandelion vegetable soup (Chrysanthemum) According to Oriental medicine, Qin wu soup helps to eliminate phlegm, repelling cough for a long time. Prepare 100 grams of chrysanthemums, 200 grams of pork, marinated pork with just enough spices to stir-fry, pour in boiling water, and then cook the chrysanthemums. Children have both nutritious food and effective treatment of diseases.
Duck meat squash Soup duck meat squash soup helps to treat schizophrenia, dry cough, cough with phlegm for a long time. The dish is prepared as follows: Marinated duck meat, stir-fry until cooked, then add enough water to use, bring to a boil and cook the squash.
Note that you should not arbitrarily give drugs to children without the permission of the doctor. This can make the child's condition worse.
In case the child has a cough that does not go away for a long time, it is necessary to take the child to a reputable medical facility for examination. Vinmec International General Hospital, with a team of leading pediatric doctors and modern equipment, is an address that many parents trust in the treatment of children's diseases, such as cough with phlegm, cough with wheezing. wheezing, high fever, pneumonia....
In addition, parents should also add some supportive foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, vitamins. group B, ... helps to fully meet the needs of nutrients while supporting the immune system, enhancing resistance, reducing the risk of upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, flu.
Lysine is very necessary for the development of children, Lysine promotes the production of digestive enzymes to stimulate children to eat better and digest easily and effectively, increase food metabolism, maximize absorption of nutrients. Nutrition from food.Strengthening lysine for babies helps the body create antibodies, develop resistance to help reduce cough, thin phlegm in children.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
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