Tips for eye health and maintaining good vision

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Carrots may be the best known food for healthy eyes. However, the reality is that many other foods contain nutrients that are more important than carrots in keeping your eyesight healthy until you get older.

1. What is good for the eyes?

Spinach and Kale
Antioxidants work to protect the eyes against damaging agents all around us like sunlight, cigarette smoke and air pollution. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are two of the best vegetables for the eyes because they contain lutein and zeaxanthin. These substances will enter the lens and retina and they will absorb harmful light.
According to experts, most people are deficient in these two nutrients, but having an easy supplement like eating about 10 ounces of frozen spinach over the course of a week will help reduce the risk of related eye disease to age. Kale has twice the nutrients or collard greens, broccoli and brightly colored fruits like kiwi and grapes are also good sources of lutein and zeaxanthin.
Grapefruit, Strawberries and Brussels sprouts
Vitamin C is a top antioxidant. Grapefruit, strawberries, and Brussels sprouts are foods high in vitamin C. Eat half a grapefruit and some Brussels sprouts or strawberries (half a cup) every day to get enough vitamin C needed for the body. In addition, other foods such as papaya, oranges and green peppers are also very good sources of vitamin C.

Bổ sung các thực phẩm cung cấp vitamin C trong mỗi bữa ăn
Bổ sung các thực phẩm cung cấp vitamin C trong mỗi bữa ăn

Nuts and wheat germ
Vitamins C and E work together to keep tissue healthy. But most of us don't get enough vitamin E from food, so adding a handful of sunflower seeds or using a tablespoon of wheat germ oil in a salad will add vitamins E and C to help. promote eye health. Almonds, pecans and vegetable oils are also very good nutritional supplements.
Turkey, oysters and crab
Just two oysters give you more zinc than you need each day. Zinc helps your eye's retina to function at its best. Zinc can also be found in meats such as turkey, eggs, peanuts and other grains.
Salmon, sardines and herring
Omega-3 fatty acids keep your heart and brain healthy and they also protect your eyes by fighting inflammation and helping cells function better. Salmon, sardines, and herring are foods with the most omega-3s, but you can also eat other fish that also have significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, such as halibut and tuna.
Carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes
Dark orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are high in beta carotene. This substance will convert to vitamin A, which helps prevent night blindness. A small sweet potato, a carrot, or a bowl of pumpkin soup provide all the vitamin A you need for the day. Winter squash, kale, and red peppers are also other sources of vitamin A that you can choose from to add more variety to your family's menu.

Cà rốt chứa nhiều vitamin A giúp ngăn ngừa bệnh quáng gà
Cà rốt chứa nhiều vitamin A giúp ngăn ngừa bệnh quáng gà

Eye supplements
If you have or are at risk for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), vitamin supplements can help slow or keep the condition from getting worse. These are known as dietary supplements based on the AREDS formula, which is based on studies of age-related eye diseases and has adjusted the formula. These foods contain most of the nutrients in the foods mentioned above in high amounts.
The latest version, called AREDS 2 , is especially good in cases where there is very little lutein and zeaxanthin in the diet. This supplement is also safe if the user is a smoker or has recently quit, because the ingredient does not contain beta carotene because very high doses of beta carotene can increase the likelihood of lung cancer.
However, if you do not have AMD, then AREDS 2 should not be supplemented, as there is currently no evidence that supplementation is effective in these populations. If you're in your 60s and have a family history of AMD, experts recommend consulting an ophthalmologist about taking supplements.

Thực phẩm bổ sung vitamin theo công thức AREDS
Thực phẩm bổ sung vitamin theo công thức AREDS

2. How to keep eyes healthy?

To ensure eye health and maintain a good visa, in addition to foods that are good for your eyes, you need to take a combination of measures such as:
Quit smoking
Smoking increases the risk of cataracts , optic nerve damage and macular degeneration . If you've tried to quit but haven't been successful, try the methods of quitting again. The more times you try to do it, the more likely you are to successfully quit. In addition, you can go to smoking cessation support units for guidance.
Wear sunglasses
With the right pair of sunglasses will help protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Excessive UV exposure increases the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.
You should choose glasses that block 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays. If you wear contact lenses, choose one that offers UV protection.
Use safety glasses
You should wear safety glasses if you use hazardous or flammable materials at work or at home.
Sports such as ice hockey, lacrosse and lacrosse can also lead to eye injuries. Therefore, you need to wear protective eyewear or a helmet with a protective mask or sports goggles to shield your eyes.

Thường xuyên sử dụng kính và kính an toàn để bảo vệ cho đôi mắt của bạn
Thường xuyên sử dụng kính và kính an toàn để bảo vệ cho đôi mắt của bạn
Note when working at a computer, staring at a computer or phone screen for too long can cause:
Eye fatigue Blurry vision Difficulty focusing on a distant object Dry eyes Headache Neck, back and shoulder pain To protect your eyes you need:
Wear prescription glasses Try to avoid glare from windows and lights. Use an anti-glare screen if necessary Choose a comfortable chair and position it so that your feet are flat on the floor If your eyes are dry, blink more Rest your eyes every 20 minutes using the computer. Look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Get up at least every 2 hours and take a 15-minute break Get regular eye exams
Everyone needs regular eye exams, even young children, to protect their vision.
Eye exams can also detect eye diseases such as glaucoma, which have no symptoms. Therefore, early detection is very important, then it is easier to treat.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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