Thyroid cancer causes and symptoms

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The article is professionally consulted by a doctor of Oncology Department, Vinmec International General Hospital.

Thyroid cancer is a common disease, completely curable if the patient is detected early and treated promptly. To detect the disease as early as possible, we need to know what are the typical signs of the disease?

1. What is thyroid cancer?

Thyroid cancer is a disease that occurs when there is an abnormality in the growth of thyroid cells. This is the appearance of cancer cells that form malignancies in the thyroid region.
Thyroid cancer has 4 types:
Papillary cancer; Follicular cancer; Medullary cancer; Undifferentiated cancer. Among them, undifferentiated cancer is the most dangerous and difficult to treat. Papillary cancer accounts for a high rate and has the best prognosis.
This is thought to have the highest cure rate among other cancers if diagnosed and treated in time.

2. Causes of Thyroid Cancer

Khoảng 70% ung thư tuyến giáp có tính chất gia đình
Khoảng 70% ung thư tuyến giáp có tính chất gia đình
At present, the exact cause of this disease has not been determined. However, it is necessary to pay attention to some factors that can increase the risk of thyroid cancer such as:
Immune system disorders: As the first cause, when the immune system is disturbed, reproductive function The production of antibodies that are effective against the invasion of viruses and bacteria is reduced. This creates an opportunity for bacteria and viruses to attack the body, including the thyroid gland; Radiation contamination: The human body can be contaminated with radiation through the digestive and respiratory tracts, affecting the thyroid gland; Genetic factors: In fact, about 70% of thyroid cancer patients have a parent or relative with the disease; Age factors, hormonal changes: At the age of 30-50, women have a 2-4 times higher risk of disease than men; Thyroid disease: People with thyroid nodules, thyroiditis, basedow's disease or low thyroid hormone are at higher risk than others; Side effects of some drugs: Patients with thyroid diseases will be prescribed by doctors to take radioactive iodine, which is a factor that increases the risk of thyroid cancer; Other risk factors: Iodine deficiency, frequent alcohol consumption, smoking, overweight, obesity... >> See also: Ingredients and uses of functional foods Fucoidan - Article by Pharmacist Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa - Pharmacist Pharmacy - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

2. Signs of thyroid cancer

Khối u trước cổ di động theo nhịp nuốt có thể là triệu chứng của ung thư tuyến giáp
Khối u trước cổ di động theo nhịp nuốt có thể là triệu chứng của ung thư tuyến giáp

Early-stage thyroid cancer often has no symptoms and is often discovered incidentally during a physical exam.
Symptoms of thyroid cancer later in life are:
Anterior neck tumor moves in rhythm with swallowing; Hoarseness, difficulty breathing; Neck lymphadenopathy. When we notice abnormalities in the body, we need to see a specialist to detect the disease as soon as possible. Doctors recommend that you should have a regular check-up once a year to understand your health status as well as to have an early diagnosis and treatment. For thyroid cancer, we need to perform subclinical diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, cytological diagnostic tests.
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