The surgical methods of tonsillectomy are suitable for babies

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Tonsillitis is a common ENT problem in children. The disease often recurs and affects children's activities and health. When the tonsils are swollen, tonsillectomy is indicated by the doctor to remove them.

1. What is tonsil?

The tonsils are the largest lymphoid organization in humans, concentrated at the bottom of the pharynx mucosa, clustered on both sides of the pharynx, forming a lymphatic ring named Waldayer. Waldeyer's lymphatic ring includes: nasopharyngeal tonsils (also known more commonly as VA), tubal tonsils, palatine tonsils, and basal tonsils. The palatine tonsils are the largest tonsils in the Waldeyer lymphatic ring, including two tonsils located on both sides of the pharynx and the most commonly inflamed tonsils, pink oval in shape, varying in size depending on age. When viewed with the naked eye we can easily see a part of the tonsils.

Amidan tạo thành vòng bạch huyết bám ở thành họng
Amidan tạo thành vòng bạch huyết bám ở thành họng

2. Why is tonsillectomy necessary for children?

When the tonsils grow too large, there will be a series of respiratory, digestive and ear, nose and throat problems for children:
2.1 Respiratory problems Excessive tonsils will cause congestion in the airways above, which results in snoring, sleep apnea. If sleep apnea lasts for a long time, the child's body must respond by opening his mouth to breathe too much, which will affect the development of the maxillofacial region, namely malocclusion, protruding jaw, flat nose ,... At the same time, such respiratory obstruction causes the brain to be deprived of oxygen, disturbed sleep, and affects psychological and mental development.
2.2 Digestive problems The tonsils are too large to interfere with swallowing food from the mouth.
2.3 Ear, nose and throat problems Inflamed tonsils are the main source of bacteria that cause other infections in the upper respiratory tract area.
The time to consider performing tonsillectomy for children is when:
In a year back, tonsils have been inflamed at least 7 times; or in the last two years the tonsils have become inflamed at least 5 times per year; or during the last three years tonsils have been inflamed at least 3 times per year. Overdose tonsils obstruct the upper respiratory tract, causing difficulty swallowing, causing sleep disturbances or causing bronchiectasis. Tonsillitis is the cause of complications such as sinusitis, ear infections, and arthritis. Suspect malignancy in isolated unilateral enlarged tonsils.

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Amidan không được chữa trị kịp thời có thể dẫn tới viêm xoang

3. The surgical methods of tonsillectomy are suitable for children

For tonsillectomy in children, many different methods can be applied today, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages:
3.1 Cold-cut tonsillectomy Tonsillectomy surgery by cold cutting method (dissection with scissors, knife, noose): This is a traditional tonsillectomy method, with the advantage of a good wound healing, the process causing less damage to surrounding tissues. However, the disadvantage is that the surgery time is the longest of the methods and the amount of bleeding when the surgery is high.
3.2 Electric knife tonsillectomy (monopolar or bipolar) This method has the advantages of fast surgery time, less blood flow during surgery, but because of the heat generated during surgery. very high affects the surrounding tissues, especially causing deep burns and causing pain in children after surgery.

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Có nhiều phương pháp phẫu thuật cắt amidan

3.3 Continuous high-frequency tonsillectomy (coblator) Continuous high-frequency tonsillectomy (coblator) is a new surgical method, with a short time, less bleeding, and limited bleeding. damage to surrounding tissues, thereby shortening the healing time.
3.4 Plasma knife tonsillectomy (PEAK Plasmablade) is a modern tonsillectomy with a short time, less bleeding, less pain, helping to limit postoperative complications as well as help children quickly recover.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is a prestigious and high-quality hospital system in examining, diagnosing and treating problems related to ENT, including tonsillitis for children.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.
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