The secret to helping children have a safe summer

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Summer is the time for vacations, summer camps, outdoor activities and all kinds of other fun. However, some summer fun activities can have health risks and can even be life-threatening. When letting children go out in the summer, the principle of safe play must always come first. Here are 6 things parents can do to make sure their kids play safely and their summer memories are all good ones.

1. Use sunscreen

This sounds obvious, but often we forget to use it. We usually only remember when we go to the beach or the pool, but don't always remember to use it when going sightseeing, gardening, going to an outdoor event or going out for a walk. If your child must be out in the sun, use sunscreen.
Use a sunscreen that is water resistant, has an SPF of at least 30, and is able to block both UVA and UVB rays. Cover all exposed skin and be sure to reapply every few hours, or sooner if your child has been in the water. Not only will this protect your child from the discomfort of sunburn, but it can also prevent future skin cancer.

2. Ensure that children are always supervised when playing in the water

Cần giám sát trẻ khi vui chơi dưới nước
Cần giám sát trẻ khi vui chơi dưới nước

The rule is to never completely trust lifebuoys or other safety devices such as life jackets; although they can be helpful and should be used in recommended contexts such as when kayaking or riding in other boats. The constant adult supervision of children is irreplaceable.
Drowning is an accident that can appear suddenly or silently. If you had to wait until you heard the child scream to help, the body to save the child may have been overlooked. Summer can be a good time to improve your child's swimming skills.
Although even good swimmers can drown, all children should learn to swim. Therefore, children should participate in swimming classes in the city safely. And remember, if you have a swimming pool at home, it should be fenced on all sides, separate from the house, and have a self-latching or self-locking gate.

3. Use insect repellent

In most cases, mosquito bites only lead to itching, they can also cause other serious illnesses such as West Nile or Zika. So, along with getting into the habit of using sunscreen, get in the habit of using insect repellent when your child is outdoors. The chemical that provides the best protection against both mosquitoes and ticks is DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide).

Hình ảnh trẻ bị bệnh Zika
Hình ảnh trẻ bị bệnh Zika
The higher the DEET rate, the longer the protection; however, products with a DEET content higher than 30% are not recommended for children. Although the most common side effect of DEET is skin irritation, there is very little risk of brain effects such as seizures. Lemon eucalyptus oil can also be effective and has fewer side effects, so it could be a good alternative to chemical insecticides, if the risk of a bite is lower.

4. Make sure your child wears a helmet when recommended

Whether it is cycling, riding a scooter or playing sports like baseball or football, helmets can protect the safety of a child's head and brain. The Consumer Product Safety Commission provides some really helpful information to help parents choose the right and best helmet for different activities.

5. Use the lawn mower safely

Every year, thousands of children are injured by lawn mowers, and some injuries can be very serious and leave a lasting impact. Remember that children must be 12 years or older to use a push lawn mower and be at least 16 years old before learning to ride.

Mỗi năm có rất nhiều trẻ em bị thương do máy cắt cỏ
Mỗi năm có rất nhiều trẻ em bị thương do máy cắt cỏ
Children should wear sturdy safety shoes and eye protection whenever using the lawn mower. Always inspect the lawn before mowing to remove anything that could get in the way and cause an accident. When choosing push lawn mowers, look for one with a lever that stops by pushing forward. If you have small children, it's best to let them play indoors while you mow the lawn.

6. Review what to do if your child gets lost or separated from you

When playing outside, especially in the woods or in crowded public places, it is easy for children to be separated from their parents. While cell phones are useful, not all kids have them, and parents can't count on call reception or phone batteries that won't last forever. Whenever going to an unfamiliar place, talk to your children about what to do if they get lost from their parents and loved ones.
Note a fixed meeting place, identify “helpers” such as staff or police that are safe to go to, and explain to the child through possible hypothetical scenarios. It only takes a minute to talk and it can make a huge difference in keeping your child safe.
Children need to provide enough elemental zinc/day for them to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
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