The reason why you have headaches during pregnancy

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A pregnant woman's body has many changes, especially a change in hormone levels, leading to many symptoms, including headaches during pregnancy. When pregnant women have headaches during pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy, it is a sign of body changes in a woman.

In fact, more than 80% of pregnant women have signs of dizziness during pregnancy and of those, up to 58% of pregnant women experience migraine in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Symptoms are easy to recognize such as throbbing headache, one-sided pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting. One study found that up to 39% of pregnant women experience headaches during pregnancy and after giving birth. Although it is possible for a pregnant woman to experience a different type of headache during pregnancy, in most cases, headaches during pregnancy are not harmful.
Pregnant women experiencing headaches may be accompanied by some other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, memory loss, vision loss, ... affecting the quality of life and health of the pregnant woman. both mother and baby. Some women only have a headache, without any other symptoms. However, this does not mean that you can ignore this phenomenon because if you have a headache during pregnancy in the second or third trimester, it is most likely a sign of preeclampsia.
Causes of headaches during pregnancy can be:
Changes in hormones: The most common cause of headaches during pregnancy is hormonal changes in pregnant women. When a woman is first pregnant, the hormone levels inside a woman's body will change drastically. That has led to the phenomenon of muscle tension, changes in appearance, physique ... and a response of the body to this change is the phenomenon of dizziness during pregnancy. Some symptoms are easy to recognize such as sharp pain in the head, pain on one side with nausea and vomiting. Due to pathology: Some medical diseases can cause headaches during pregnancy in women such as: sinusitis, stuffy nose, allergies, depression... Fetal weight changes: Pregnant women Headache in the last 3 months of pregnancy is usually due to the rapid increase in fetal weight, affecting the blood circulation of the whole body as well as the affected nervous system. Unscientific living habits; Pregnant women with bad living habits such as eating at the wrong time, often skipping meals, lazy to drink water, and often staying up at night or using a lot of drinks containing stimulants can also cause nervous tension. , lack of sleep and lead to headaches during pregnancy. Due to living environment; Pregnant women who live or work in an environment with too much noise are easily stressed, frustrated, and have trouble sleeping,... for a long time, it will lead to dizziness during pregnancy. Headaches during pregnancy, pregnant women should absolutely not be subjective, need to monitor and improve their health by the above methods. If the headache during pregnancy is too severe, persistent and shows no signs of improvement, see your doctor right away to get the best treatment.

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