Dizziness, lightheadedness during pregnancy is dangerous?

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Dizziness is a very common symptom during pregnancy. Many cases of pregnant women dizzy during pregnancy accompanied by nausea make the pregnancy days become extremely heavy. Understanding the possible reasons for dizziness during pregnancy will help better manage this symptom.

The phenomenon of dizziness during pregnancy can feel lightheaded and dizzy if you get up too quickly after bending down or after sitting for a long time because the blood in the legs cannot move to the heart, causing the blood pressure to drop suddenly. sudden, dizzy. Usually, pregnant women will experience dizziness during the first 3 months of pregnancy. In some cases, pregnant women may still experience dizziness and lightheadedness during the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Because then, the baby starts to grow fast and put pressure on the blood vessels.
Reasons thought to cause dizziness, lightheadedness during pregnancy include:
A woman's cardiovascular system will undergo some significant changes as it adapts to accommodate the growing fetus. big. Hormonal changes cause your blood vessels to dilate and widen. This increases blood flow to the baby, but lowers blood pressure and slows blood flow to the mother's heart and brain and causes dizziness during pregnancy. In the later stages of pregnancy, lying on your back allows your growing uterus to squeeze the large veins that run up your spine, slowing blood from your legs back to your heart and making you feel dizzy while pregnant. pregnant . When experiencing symptoms of dizziness during pregnancy, pregnant women need to do the following:
Ask people around to open doors and windows or go to a well-ventilated place. Sit down slowly to avoid a sudden fall or, if possible, sit with your head about halfway between your knees. Get up slowly, as sudden movements can make pregnancy vertigo worse. Try to lie on your left side, a small pillow under your hips will support this position. Doing so improves blood circulation to the brain and makes you feel better. Drinking a lot of water will help reduce dizziness during pregnancy Snacking and drinking some water or juice will help accumulate a lot of energy. Take a cold shower if you feel lightheaded or dizzy during pregnancy. Dizziness during pregnancy can be normal, but it can also be unusual if the woman has gestational diabetes and is at high risk of pre-eclampsia. Therefore, during pregnancy, pregnant women should have antenatal check-ups according to the doctor's appointment to detect early signs of abnormalities, thereby taking timely intervention measures.

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