The reason why frozen embryo transfer is easier to succeed than fresh embryo transfer

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Frozen embryo transfer and fresh embryo transfer are two commonly used terms in in vitro fertilization (IVF). Research shows that frozen embryo transfer is more successful than fresh embryo transfer. So what is the cause of this?

1. Frozen Embryo Transfer Overview

Frozen embryos is the term used to refer to embryos that are frozen after in vitro fertilization (IVF) process instead of being put into the mother's body. Frozen embryo transfer will give the same efficiency as fresh embryo transfer at a lower cost, in addition to providing certain benefits such as avoiding multiple pregnancies when using IVF.
In fact, after in vitro fertilization in most cases, there are still unused quality embryos left over, so instead of discarding, doctors will freeze embryos for use in the future. future. These embryos are all quality guaranteed embryos, frozen at any stage of development from stage 1 (cells), stage 2 (8 cells) or blastocyst stage ( blastocysts).
The selected embryos frozen will be kept in a special environment that will completely replace the water in the embryo cells, which will prevent the embryos from being destroyed by water crystals that form after being frozen. The embryo is finally frozen by slow cooling or rapid cooling and stored in liquid nitrogen cylinders until the next use.

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Trữ phôi đông lạnh sau khi thụ tinh trong ống nghiệm

2. What are the advantages of frozen embryo transfer? How long can frozen embryos be stored?

After ovarian stimulation and oocyte retrieval, the woman will enter the embryo transfer process. At this time, frozen embryo transfer and fresh embryo transfer have similar success rates, but people tend to transfer frozen embryos because of the following advantages:
Better conception efficiency: women after being stimulated If the ovaries are stimulated to collect eggs, the hormone will increase many times, which is not good for embryo implantation. Therefore, keeping embryos frozen and waiting for the right time when hormones stabilize before transferring embryos will increase the efficiency of conception. Reduce multiple pregnancy: some women have a relatively low conception rate with IVF, so having multiple embryos transferred at once increases the probability of success. This condition will lead to multiple pregnancies, affecting the health of both mother and fetus. Therefore, the use of frozen embryos will not need to transfer many embryos at once, helping to limit this situation. The frozen embryos will be implanted in the uterus one after another if the previous conception was unsuccessful. Help women recover health, limit anxiety and fear to stabilize their psychology before conceiving Risk cases or ovarian hyperstimulation, uterine fluid forced to transfer frozen embryos instead of embryos fresh.

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Chuyển phôi đông lạnh cho hiệu quả thụ thai cao hơn

Currently, there is no confirmed report on the effect of time on successful frozen embryo transfer, although there have been concerns about the negative effects of cryoprotectants such as radicals. free oxidation in the storage medium. However, it should be noted that certainly longer embryo storage means greater maternal age (in the case of autologous embryos) which is a significant risk factor for pregnancy rates.

3. Why is frozen embryo transfer more successful than fresh embryo transfer?

Thus, the main reasons why frozen embryo transfer is more successful than fresh embryo transfer are:
The woman's hormones are stabilized, her body is fully nourished and well prepared for the process. conception instead of immediately using fresh embryos to conceive. The frozen embryos are transferred one by one into the woman's uterus to ensure the quality of each conception instead of using multiple embryos like fresh embryo transfer to increase the success rate. This also helps to avoid the occurrence of multiple pregnancies affecting the health of the mother and the fetus in the future. Customers wishing to treat infertility - infertility can come to the Reproductive Support Center - Vinmec International General Hospital. This is the leading center in Vietnam, which has developed and applied a comprehensive medical examination and treatment process, combining both gynecology and obstetrics and gynecology to provide the optimal method for each patient's case.
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