The reason for pharyngitis is persistent and difficult to cure completely

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Le Van Quang - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

Pharyngitis is a chronic, long-lasting sore throat that is difficult to definitively treat and can cause many complicated complications. However, granulomatous pharyngitis can still be cured with appropriate medication regimens and limiting risk factors for the disease.

1. Causes of pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is a common disease in the respiratory tract and anyone can get it, especially those with weak muscles. This is a chronic pharyngitis, an exacerbation of pharyngitis. When infected, the throat area is infected for a long time, causing the lymphoid tissues in the back wall to work continuously for a long time and swell into granules. The size of these beads is about the size of the tip of a pin to a pea.
This disease tends to appear more when the weather turns cold. Treatment of pharyngitis depends on the cause. Granulomatous pharyngitis can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection.
The common cause of chronic pharyngitis is due to long-term inflammation of the nose and sinuses, causing fluid to flow from the sinuses to the back of the throat, causing the mucosa here to be covered with mucus, unable to perform its function. clean, creating favorable conditions for bacteria to enter, leading to inflammation and the beginning of the appearance of particles in the back wall of the throat. In addition, patients with chronic tonsillitis, despite surgical treatment, are still at risk of developing granulomatous pharyngitis, even more because the lymphocytes in the back of the pharynx will thrive to compensate for the tissue that has been lost. was cut off.
In addition, pharyngitis is also caused by a number of factors that act as risk factors, such as working in a polluted environment, exposure to harmful chemicals, cigarette smoke, gastroesophageal reflux syndrome management, stomach disorders, liver failure.

2. Pharyngitis is easy to relapse and difficult to treat

Điều trị viêm họng hạt mãn tính còn gặp nhiều khó khăn
Điều trị viêm họng hạt mãn tính còn gặp nhiều khó khăn

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis in general is still difficult. If it is only by burning the seeds with chemicals or burning electricity, it is very difficult to completely solve it. Because each burn only destroys some large particles and inadvertently stimulates the surrounding mucosa, causing particles located on that mucosal area to grow faster. If only burning seeds alone does not treat the inflammation, it is difficult to completely cure the disease, the disease will recur and sometimes even worse.
Therefore, in order to effectively treat chronic pharyngitis, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammation and accurately determine the cause caused by bacteria or fungi. To do that, it is necessary to carry out culturing, isolating bacteria or fungi and making antibiograms to select the appropriate antibiotic for the treatment to kill the pathogen. In addition, it is necessary to examine the nose and sinuses to see if there is an infection or not, if so, to combine additional treatment. Only then can we hope that the treatment of pharyngitis will achieve high results.

3. Sore throat, what to avoid quickly?

Khi bị viêm họng hạt mãn tính, bệnh nhân cần tránh những loại thực phẩm tẩm ướp nhiều gia vị cay
Khi bị viêm họng hạt mãn tính, bệnh nhân cần tránh những loại thực phẩm tẩm ướp nhiều gia vị cay

For chronic pharyngitis, during treatment and even after treatment, the patient needs to abstain from some of the following foods:
Hot and spicy foods: When having pharyngitis, to avoid causing the phenomenon swelling and pain increase, patients need to avoid foods that are marinated with spicy spices such as pepper, chili,... Abstain from fried and grilled foods: Containing a lot of fat, patients with pharyngitis, eating seeds can cause problems. more sputum secretion. In addition, fried foods are often hard and have many angles, which can easily cause damage to the throat mucosa, leading to worsening symptoms of the disease; Hard foods: Hard candies, dry nuts are often not good for people with chronic pharyngitis and can increase the feeling of sore throat when consumed in excess; Cold drinks: Patients with sore throat should drink a lot of water, but should avoid cold drinks, ice cream and tea because there is a risk of causing throat swelling and worsening symptoms; Stay away from alcohol, stimulants and carbonated soft drinks: Stimulants (such as caffeine) when entering the body often weaken the immune system, make the recovery time longer, and also make the throat worse. burning pain, discomfort; Foods that are too sweet: Causes increased secretion of oily secretions, making the throat always have phlegm and the disease takes a long time to heal. When detecting signs of pharyngitis, it is necessary to visit a doctor to determine the exact cause of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment, avoid self-medication or home treatment because it can make the disease persist. , difficult to cure completely.
Otolaryngology - Vinmec International General Hospital specializes in examining and treating common ENT diseases such as: rhinitis, pharyngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tinnitus, non-allergic rhinitis response, throat cancer; tumors of the head, face and neck, congenital malformations of the ear, nose and throat area by common surgical methods.
To register for examination and treatment of Otolaryngology at Vinmec International Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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