Chronic pharyngitis is easy to recur - How to treat and prevent disease

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The article was expertly consulted by BSCK I Nguyen Hong Phuc - Emergency Department, Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Chronic pharyngitis is easy to recur, making patients feel uncomfortable and inconvenient in daily activities. So what is the correct treatment and prevention for this disease?

1. What is chronic pharyngitis?

Chronic pharyngitis is inflammation of the throat for a long time.

2. Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

Common symptoms of chronic pharyngitis are sore throat, dry, itchy and blocked throat, especially in diffuse chronic pharyngitis. These symptoms usually appear in the morning, there may be a lot of phlegm in the throat. . Patients may also experience a burning sensation in the chest if they have gastroesophageal reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

3. Can chronic pharyngitis be cured?

To treat chronic pharyngitis, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease and eliminate that cause. Based on this, there are the following chronic pharyngitis treatment methods:
Complete treatment of sinusitis, tonsillitis or reflux syndrome to eliminate chronic pharyngitis. Apply topical treatments such as topical application and gargling with astringent, alkaline drugs that reduce inflammation and pain. For atrophic pharyngitis, the patient should apply and gargle with dilute iodine medicine or oil or mineral water. Drop the nose, wash the nose with physiological saline to clean this area, avoid aggravating chronic pharyngitis. To treat the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis, people can use mucus-thinning drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and anti-allergy medications. In addition, the patient can also use herbal cough medicine to relieve coughs that cause discomfort in the throat. Treat the whole body by changing your body condition, exercising regularly, changing your lifestyle and living and working environment if possible. Supplement with vitamins A, C, D to strengthen resistance and reduce the risk of chronic pharyngitis.

Bổ sung các loại vitamin A, C, D để tăng cường sức đề kháng
Bổ sung các loại vitamin A, C, D để tăng cường sức đề kháng

4. Prevention of chronic pharyngitis

To prevent chronic pharyngitis, we need to limit our exposure to disease-causing causes such as smoke, alcohol and tobacco. In addition, it is necessary to improve the resistance by adding enough vitamins and nutrients to the body.
Clean oral hygiene to reduce the risk of sore throat. In addition, it is also necessary to protect the throat from pathogens by wearing masks and protective gear when working in a smoky environment. When going out, you also need to wear a mask because the pollution in the air can also cause sore throat.
Besides, patients also need to limit the use of stimulants such as alcohol, beer, tobacco and have good labor safety organization, wear a mask when going out or when working in a dusty environment.

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Reference source: Ministry of Health
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