The milestones for screening for fetal malformations pregnant women need to remember

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Video content is professionally consulted by MSc, BS. Phung Thi Ly, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Screening for fetal malformations is very important, helping pregnant women to detect abnormalities in the fetus early, thereby taking measures to handle, treat and intervene early. However, it is not always possible to screen for fetal abnormalities accurately. Here are the milestones for fetal malformations that pregnant women need to remember to monitor and protect the best health of the fetus.
Top doctors in Obstetrics and Gynecology recommend that pregnant women need to be screened for fetal malformations at the following 3 times:
11 weeks to 13 weeks and 6 days: this is the golden time to help identify risks of the syndrome. Down, neural tube defects, correct trisomy 18 in infants and screening for maternal preeclampsia risk. The ideal time is to screen for fetal abnormalities at 12 weeks. 18 weeks to 22 weeks: this is the best time in pregnancy to help evaluate structural abnormalities. Doctors can clearly observe the morphology and structure of the skull and brain; identification of cleft lip and cleft palate malformations; determine spinal cleft malformation; full-fingered hands and feet; Measure cervical length to assess risk of preterm birth. 30 weeks to 32 weeks: at this time, doctors continue to check for fetal malformations like the 22nd week and some late malformations and unusual problems such as: cerebral cortex damage, renal junctional narrowing - ureter, smooth brain, intestinal obstruction, Zika infection, CMV. When ultrasound detects abnormalities, pregnant women will be referred to fetal medicine specialists for advice and instructions on how to handle them. Depending on each case, abnormal problems can be treated right from the fetal stage or after birth.

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