Periodic prenatal check-ups - protect your baby from the very beginning

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The article was written by Specialist Doctor II Tran Van Trong - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital
In each stage of pregnancy, pregnant women have specific symptoms, sometimes these symptoms appear late or not at all, and can also appear throughout pregnancy. Therefore, the prenatal examination in each period, ultrasound at the right stage will help doctors assess the mother's health and at the same time, promptly detect abnormal factors of the baby.
Why should regular antenatal care? During pregnancy, the mother's body has to go through many changes in psychology, endocrine, physical ... in each different stage of pregnancy development. Each of these stages has specific manifestations, sometimes these manifestations appear late or not at all, and can also appear throughout pregnancy.
Therefore, the antenatal examination in each period, ultrasound at the right stage will help doctors assess the mother's health and promptly detect abnormal factors of the baby.
Periodic antenatal check-up milestones During pregnancy, pregnant women should go to the doctor and have 07 ultrasound scans to ensure the health of themselves and their babies.
The first time: At the time after learning that she is pregnant. About 6 weeks from the last menstrual period, the doctor will check to see if the fetus has entered the uterus, has a fetal heart rate, and is normal. Second time: At 12 weeks, the important time for the doctor to measure thickness of the nape of the neck and identify some early birth defects (umbilical hernia, cleft abdominal wall, anencephaly). 3rd time: At the 16th week of pregnancy. This visit can check your baby's development comprehensively. Doctors were able to determine the sex of the fetus at this point. The parameters on the ultrasound also help to evaluate the prenatal screening test and can detect additional fetal anomalies that have not appeared in the previous weeks. 4th time: Gestational examination at 22 weeks to check, the most important morphological ultrasound, to help detect most abnormalities of fetal morphology and urine test. The 5th time: At 26 weeks, fetal ultrasound helps to detect abnormalities of both mother and child and this is also the time to vaccinate against tetanus. The sixth time: At 32 weeks, pregnant women need to have an examination, follow-up, ultrasound to assess fetal weight, urine and blood tests to rule out gestational diabetes and tetanus 2 vaccination. The amount is too large or too small, the doctor will give appropriate advice for normal delivery/cesarean section for pregnant women. The 7th time: At 36 weeks, this visit the mother will have a thorough examination of the fetal status, vaginal fluid test, prediction of fetal weight and plan of birth method, position of fetus, status of fetus. placenta.... The parameters of this visit are used when the mother is hospitalized, preparing to give birth.
Periodic prenatal check-ups - protect your baby from the very beginning

In addition, depending on the case, the doctor requires the pregnant woman to examine, test, and ultrasound more to monitor pregnancy complications, monitor amniotic fluid, fetal position, and status of placenta.
Pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy, healthy baby is what every family wants. However, not all pregnant women are lucky enough to receive it. Because there are still many pregnant mothers who are confused and desperate when they find out that the fetus has a defect.
Doctor Tran Van Trong, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Da Nang General Hospital confirmed: "If unfortunately discovered the fetus has anomalies such as: diaphragmatic hernia, esophageal atrophy, no anus, intestinal atrophy, Newborn intestinal obstruction, intestinal volvulus, umbilical hernia, abdominal wall hernia, duodenal obstruction, double intestinal cyst..., pregnant women should not be too worried. Because now, with the great development of medicine, the laparoscopic method can effectively treat the baby right after birth.”
“Regular antenatal care, early detection of fetuses with birth defects right in pregnancy is of great significance in the treatment of diseases, in order to bring a better life to babies, mothers and their families. ", Doctor Tran Van Trong added.
With many years of training at the National Children's Hospital and VEF - PAS, USA, Dr. Trong has successfully performed many difficult cases not only in Da Nang but also in other provinces and cities. In Vietnam, Dr. Tran Van Trong commented: “The outstanding advantages of laparoscopic surgery are that it is less invasive, reduces pain and infection after surgery, has a fast recovery time, and limits large surgical scars that cause traction. skin, loss of aesthetics later".
Therefore, if unfortunately discovered that the fetus is at risk of birth defects during regular antenatal check-ups, please rest assured that your baby has a chance to be treated.

See more:
Periodic pregnancy ultrasound milestones pregnant women need to remember Sex during pregnancy Summary of pregnancy signs in the first 3 months you need to know
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