The menu for children who do not drink formula milk

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Children do not drink formula milk for many reasons but all affect their physical and intellectual development. Therefore, you need to make a menu for your baby not to drink formula according to expert standards to ensure that your baby still develops normally.

1. Why doesn't the baby drink formula milk?

For breastfed babies, when starting to introduce solid foods, mothers are also preparing for the time to return to their jobs, which means they will not be able to breastfeed often. Many mothers have chosen to give formula milk to their babies. Formula milk is built on a foundation quite similar to breast milk, providing almost all the same nutrients as breast milk, and some brands even add more essential nutrients. Milk is usually sweeter and more aromatic than breast milk. But not all babies accept and drink formula.
The reason may be because:
The taste of the breast milk chosen for the baby is not suitable for the child's preferences The child is not used to using the bottle because it has not been trained since the baby. Many babies choke or don't like the smell of the bottle. Formula mixing ratio is not correct, too light or too thick The child is allergic to any ingredient in formula, typically cow's milk protein allergy (CMPA). It is because children do not cooperate that many mothers are stressed and do not understand why or where they are wrong. We would like to give you a few tips so that you can apply to your baby and make the right choice
Choosing the right milk The first thing is choosing the right milk for your baby's age. If the child shows discomfort when smelling milk, waves his hand, gets angry when his mother or loved one gives him milk, these symptoms last often and for many days, then the mother should change the milk for the baby. . It is recommended that mothers choose reputable milk brands, recommended by experts.
Overcome milk protein allergy. Cow's milk naturally contains many nutrients, including protein. The proteins found in cow's milk are called casein and whey. When some babies drink cow's milk, their bodies react to these proteins and trigger an immune response that releases antibodies. These allergic reactions can occur soon after eating any cow's milk product - known as IgE-mediated reactions, or can be delayed - known as non-IgE-mediated reactions.
Symptoms of cow's milk protein allergy will usually appear as soon as 30 minutes after the baby has had milk or after a few hours and up to a few days afterwards. These include the following signs:
Skin rash. Swelling of the lips, tongue, mouth, or body Difficulty breathing Itchy, runny nose Digestive problems such as vomiting, constipation or diarrhea Abdominal pain Poor growth Asthma Anaphylaxis (in severe cases) To limit the severe symptoms of cow's milk protein allergy, mothers should give their babies a little formula to let them get used to the taste gradually. Gradually increase the amount of milk if there are no allergic manifestations to let the baby get used to formula milk.

Bé không uống sữa ngoài có thể là do không thích mùi vị của sữa
Bé không uống sữa ngoài có thể là do không thích mùi vị của sữa
A few notes for you from pediatricians:
Praise the child when he sees that he is eating well. Do not scold or bully the child when he refuses to eat. During mealtime, let the child sit still and do not go. affect the digestion of children. The maximum time to eat each meal is only 30 minutes, beyond the time mom should clean up. Feed the child when he is hungry and at the beginning of the acquaintance should divide the meals. Give your baby formula milk in addition to breastfeeding. Mix milk according to the instructions printed on the milk carton. Milk can be mixed with flour, or cakes for children to gradually get used to.

2. Nutrient group of children who do not drink formula milk

2.1. Foods with calcium: Fish with edible soft bones, such as canned sardines, canned salmon and anchovies, bones contain calcium so mix/crush them more thoroughly than scoop them out Oranges Nut butters such as peanut butter and almond butter Dairy-free breakfast cereals Calcium-fortified soy milk and yogurt Green vegetables like kale and broccoli 2.2. Protein foods: Meat - especially red meat like beef or lamb because of its iron content Poultry - dark meat is more nutritious than Fish Eggs Lentils Tofu and soybeans (if tolerated) 2.3. Iodine-containing foods: White fish and tuna Chicken and turkey Bread Seed butter Eggs

Nếu trẻ không uống sữa ngoài bạn nên bổ sung thêm các thực phẩm chứa canxi, iot và protein
Nếu trẻ không uống sữa ngoài bạn nên bổ sung thêm các thực phẩm chứa canxi, iot và protein

3. Menu for children who do not drink formula milk

Below, we would like to provide some foods for babies from 6 months old with cow's milk protein allergy.
3.1. Green Soup This soup provides children with the calcium and vitamin A they need for a dairy-free diet
Sweet potato: 1 small tuber about 100 grams Broccoli (cauliflower): 60 grams Peas fresh orchids:40g Cooking oil, seasonings to taste. Implementation:
The above three ingredients are washed and then steamed. Then puree these 3 vegetables with 75ml of water. Wait for it to boil again, scoop it out into a bowl to add some cooking oil, wait until it cools to eat. 3.2. Chicken and vegetables Ingredients:
Chicken breast cut into small pieces: about 100g Carrots: 1 medium sized tuber, peeled, washed, sliced ​​Sweet potato : 1 tuber 300g, washed, peeled, chopped Apples : 1 small, peeled and chopped Chicken juice: 200ml Peas: 40g Sunflower oil 1 tablespoon Minced onion: 30g Seasoning, cooking oil Procedure:
Heat oil, put onions in a pan stir-fry, season to taste. Add chicken to the pot and sauté for 3-4 minutes, then add the sweet potatoes, apples, and juice. Bring to a boil. Simmer, cover, for 10-12 minutes, or cook until chicken and vegetables are tender. The other tubers are soft. Add the peas and simmer for an additional 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it cool down a bit, then you can put it in the blender until the texture is desired. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a little more chicken milk. 3.3. Salmon cake Fat is one of the substances that promote the development of children. Salmon is known as an ingredient rich in omega 3 and fatty acids, helping children to replenish their nutrients and solve their anorexia
Cooked mashed potatoes to cool: 150g Fillet salmon, diced: 170g Chopped green onions Ketchup Bread crumbs: 50g Implementation:
Put all the above ingredients in a blender Shape into 10 salmon cakes, and cover them with bread leftover crumbs. Heat the cooking oil to fry the cake, frying time from 1 to 4 minutes for each eye until the cake is golden brown. Let it cool and then it can be eaten by children.

Bạn có thể cân nhắc bổ sung súp xanh vào thực đơn cho bé không uống sữa ngoài
Bạn có thể cân nhắc bổ sung súp xanh vào thực đơn cho bé không uống sữa ngoài
3.4. Seabass porridge Ingredients:
600g seabass 1 cup sticky rice 3 cloves scallions 3 purple onions 1 tablespoon fish sauce 2 teaspoons seasoning powder 2 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon cooking oil 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon pepper Implementation:
Wash the rice and then pour 2.5 liters of water into it and cook it into a well-cooked porridge. Clean fish, scale, remove gills, wash with vinegar or salt to remove fishy smell. Next, you cut the fish into small pieces, drain. Red onion: peeled, washed, crushed. Wash cilantro, finely chop. Mix red onion, green onion with fish sauce, seasoning powder, sugar, and pepper into a spice mixture. Use this mixture to marinate seabass for about 20 minutes for the fish to infuse the spices. Put the oil in the pan, wait until the oil is hot, then put the fish in. When the porridge is cooked, put the fish in the porridge pot, stir well. Let the porridge boil gently for about 3 minutes, then taste the seasoning to taste. Finally, add green onions and pepper and turn off the heat. Ladle the porridge into the kitchen, let it cool down and then give it to the child to eat. 3.5. Carrot porridge Carrot is considered a food that strengthens the immune system and is also good for the eyes. Carrot porridge with other vegetables and fruits really gives children full nutrition in the first years of life.
Carrots: 200 grams Sticky rice: 100 grams Implementation:
Carrots, washed, peeled, finely chopped and then steamed Wash the rice, put it in a pot and cook it into porridge. Puree carrots separately, grind porridge separately When feeding children, mix these two types Above we provide a few menus for babies who do not drink formula milk. Hope you will pocket some recipes to take good care of your little angel. But keep in mind that during the first year, milk is always a baby's main food source. In addition, to help children develop physically and in stature, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help children develop. meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
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