The formation and how to care for skin with blackheads

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Blackheads are a nightmare for many people because they make the skin of the face, back, chest, neck, ... less fresh and smooth. Not only that, blackheads also easily progress to cysts or pustules, severely affecting the beauty of the skin.

1. Blackhead formation mechanism

Blackheads are types of acne that appear when the hair follicles on the skin are blocked, not inflamed. The mechanism of blackhead formation is because the oil glands on the skin are overactive as they cannot get out of the skin surface because the pores are clogged with dirt, dead cells or makeup products and bacteria. When the acne spots in the pores are exposed to the air, they will be oxidized and the acne will turn dark black.
Blackheads are small in size, about 1mm in size and have a black acne core that rises above the surface of the skin. Blackheads usually don't cause pain or redness like nodules. But if you squeeze blackheads, they can get worse, cause inflammation, and develop into nodules or pustules. Blackheads often appear on the face, especially the nose area. In addition, blackheads can also appear on the back, chest, neck, shoulders or arms. And since all skin types are at risk of clogging pores, blackheads can appear on oily, normal, or dry skin.
The nose area is the "resident" of blackheads because this is the area with the most active sebaceous glands, so it is easy to catch bacteria and dirt. Not only that, blackheads on the nose are denser than elsewhere because the skin on the nose is thin, exposed to more sunlight, so it is weaker than other skin areas, more susceptible to bacteria attack.

2. Causes of Blackheads

Không uống đủ nước là một trong số nhiều nguyên nhân gây mụn đầu đen
Không uống đủ nước là một trong số nhiều nguyên nhân gây mụn đầu đen
Common causes of blackheads include:
Overactive sebaceous glands: Sebaceous glands are overactive, producing a lot of sebum that will clog pores. If not cleaned thoroughly, sebum, dead cells and bacteria in the pores will gradually become dry and hard, and after many days of exposure to the air will form blackheads; Improper diet: Regular use of greasy foods, hot spicy foods or drinking soft drinks, coffee, beer, wine, etc. can easily cause blackheads on the skin because the above factors will cause acne. stimulates the sebaceous glands to increase activity and hinder the acne treatment process; Not drinking enough water: Water plays an important role in eliminating waste products from the body, helping to keep the skin clean, fresh and healthy. If the body is not replenished with the necessary amount of water, toxins will accumulate in the body and the skin will easily appear blackheads; Unscientific lifestyle: Hormonal imbalance due to stress, busyness, irregular eating and sleeping, the influence of the menstrual cycle; sweating a lot, living environment polluted, high humidity; not paying attention to careful skin hygiene,... are the causes of blackheads; Arbitrarily using drugs without consulting: The abuse of skin care cosmetics containing lithium, corticosteroids; Arbitrarily taking oral contraceptives containing androgens, anti-epileptic drugs not prescribed by a doctor can cause the skin to increase sebum production and form blackheads.

3. Blackhead treatment

Blackheads do not cause pain like acne, but they make the skin surface less smooth, rough, rough, enlarged pores and accelerated skin aging. Moreover, blackheads are often difficult to remove, easy to recur many times and the wrong treatment, self-squeezing acne can make acne worse, easy to cause inflammation into pustules and pustules.
To effectively treat blackheads, users can refer to the following methods:
3.1 Using cosmetics, blackhead serums On the market, there are many products that are used to treat blackheads and shrink blackheads. pores. However, on the market there are many floating products, of unknown origin, so each person needs to wisely choose for himself a good product that is suitable for his skin.
3.2 Apply blackhead treatment tips at home Users can take advantage of the following home-available ingredients to treat blackheads:
Toothpaste: First, prepare a tube of toothpaste and a soft bristle brush. When done, users need to wash their face thoroughly with warm water, take a little toothpaste on a brush and then gently rub it on the blackhead affected area for 2-3 minutes and keep it for about 10-15 minutes. Finally, wash your face with water. However, users should note that this method should only be done 1-2 times a week because using toothpaste for a long time can make the skin thin, dry and easy to catch the sun; Honey: Users need to warm pure honey for a few minutes and then apply warm honey evenly on the skin with blackheads. After about 10 minutes, users need to rinse thoroughly with warm water. Honey has the ability to disinfect, anti-oxidant, help treat blackheads, tighten pores, enhance moisturizing effect, make skin smooth and bright; Baking soda: Users need to mix baking soda with water in a ratio of 1:1, stir well and then rub it on their nose or other blackhead-affected skin areas, let it dry for 15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. However, people with sensitive skin should not use baking soda because this ingredient is easy to irritate the skin; Chicken eggs: Need to prepare an egg, a bowl and a soft cloth. When performing, users separate egg whites, dip a clean cloth into egg whites and then apply evenly to acne-affected skin, relax for 10-15 minutes before washing face with clean water. This method is both effective in treating blackheads and brightening the skin.

Trứng gà có công dụng trị mụn đầu đen và giúp làm sáng da hiệu quả
Trứng gà có công dụng trị mụn đầu đen và giúp làm sáng da hiệu quả
3.3 Using Western medicine to treat blackheads In case of mild acne: Doctors usually prescribe the use of ointments and creams on acne-prone skin; In case of severe acne with inflammation: It may be indicated to use topical antibiotics and systemic antibiotics. Antibiotics applied topically, including: Azelaic acid, Clindamycin, Benzoyl peroxide, Dapsone, Erythromycin, ... can promote local effects, help kill acne bacteria and increase skin resistance, prevent new acne formed. Systemic antibiotics including: Clindamycin, Doxycycline, Minocycline, Sulfonamide, Tetracycline, ... can go deep and restore the body's immune system, eliminate the root cause of acne bacteria, thereby treating Effective acne, prevent acne recurrence.

4. How to take care of blackheads and large pores

To take care of the skin and prevent blackheads at the root, it is necessary to remove the cause of acne, keep the pores clear and clean, and avoid the bad effects of damaging the skin. The following skin care tips are useful advice for people who are suffering from blackheads:
Wash your face regularly: Wash your face twice a day in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed with milk. Wash your face to remove the accumulation of sebum and dirt on the skin. Gentle cleansers that do not cause redness or irritation are the right choice for those who are living with blackheads. When washing your face, you should not rub your hands vigorously, just massage gently to stimulate blood vessels to circulate, pores are not blocked. Besides, don't forget to wash your face with clean water after eating greasy food;

Rửa mặt 2 lần một ngày giúp làm sạch và loại bỏ bã nhờn trền da, hạn chế tình trạng xuất hiện mụn đầu đen
Rửa mặt 2 lần một ngày giúp làm sạch và loại bỏ bã nhờn trền da, hạn chế tình trạng xuất hiện mụn đầu đen
Wash your hair regularly: Excess oil and dust on the hair will contribute to clogging pores, so to prevent blackheads effectively, we need to wash our hair regularly; Be careful when using cosmetics: Cosmetics containing oil can cause pores to become easily clogged, leading to blackheads. Therefore, when choosing cosmetics such as makeup, makeup remover, sunscreen, users should pay attention to choosing oil-free products to avoid making acne worse; Exfoliate and moisturize: It is recommended to exfoliate the skin once a week (use an exfoliating cream or a mixture of lemon + sugar) and apply a moisturizing mask twice a week to provide the necessary moisture. for skin, reduce oiliness and reduce blackheads; Have a scientific lifestyle: Limit drinks containing a lot of sugar, alcohol, caffeine, ... because they not only harm the liver but also stimulate the sebaceous glands to work strongly. Instead, each person should maintain a healthy diet, add fresh vegetables to the menu, drink enough 2-2.5 liters of water/day. At the same time, it is necessary to arrange a reasonable rest time to avoid stress and anxiety; Note: Do not abuse blackhead peeling because this method can easily cause serious damage to the skin, the skin becomes more sensitive, the pores are larger, that area of ​​the skin becomes weaker and the acne will appear more. than. Besides, you should not steam your face or squeeze blackheads because these methods are often not safe enough, easily causing skin damage. At the same time, it is necessary to limit makeup when you have acne and if you wear makeup, you need to remove makeup carefully to avoid makeup residue on the skin that will clog pores and cause blackheads. Blackheads are easy to recur and can progress to pustules and pustules if not treated properly. Therefore, when having blackheads, customers can go to a dermatologist. The doctor will observe the surface, skin structure or use modern dermatoscopes to determine the skin condition, the cause of the blackheads and offer the best treatment solution for each specific case.
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