The effect of the drug Danotan

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Danotan is a prescription anticonvulsant. Let's learn more about the effects of Danotan, how to use Danotan, how to use it... in the following article.

1. What is Danotan?

Danotan belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs, the list of prescription anticonvulsants. Danotan is manufactured by Daihan Pharm Co., Ltd - KOREA, under registration number VN - 6372 - 08.
The main ingredient in Danotan is Phenobarbital sodium. Packing box of 5 trays x 10 ampoules x 1ml of injection solution.

2. Uses of the drug Danotan

Danotan has the main active ingredient Phenobarbital, an anticonvulsant drug of the Barbiturate group. The active ingredient Phenobarbital in Danotan has the effect of enhancing the Synaptic inhibitory ability of Gama aminobutytic acid (GABA) in the brain area.
Danotan also has the ability to help reduce oxygen use in the brain during anesthesia. Usually through inhibition of neuronal activity. This use is the premise to use barbiturates in the prevention of cerebral infarction when the brain is ischemic, or the brain is injured.
The drug Danotan has a reversible inhibitory effect on the activities of all tissues. Phenobarbital helps to inhibit the nervous system at various levels from sedation to anesthesia. However, the drug also only temporarily inhibits synaptic responses in the central nervous system.
The effect of the drug Danotan is anticonvulsant, in addition, it is also used in cases of alcoholism - alcohol withdrawal. Danotan helps limit seizures, reduces serum Bilirubin levels in subjects such as:
Newborns; People with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia; Congenital hemolysis; Cholestasis in the liver. The effects of Danotan appear about 5 minutes after injection, maximum concentration within 30 minutes. The drug Danotan is distributed through binding to plasma proteins, tissues, and brain, metabolized in the liver, excreted in the urine in an inactive form, a small part excreted in the bile and feces.

3. Indications for use of the drug Danotan

The drug Danotan is indicated for the following cases;
Grand, myoclonic, partial seizures; Prevention of convulsions due to high fever; Neonatal jaundice ; Chronic cholestasis in the liver; Hyperbilirubinemia; No congenital hemolysis. To use Danotan safely, patients need to follow the doctor's/pharmacist's prescription.

4. Dosage – How to use the drug Danotan

The drug Danotan is made in an injectable form. Therefore, the drug is administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection by medical personnel.
Dosage of Danotan according to the doctor's instructions, the manufacturer's recommendations. Accordingly, the drug Danotan is used in a specific dose depending on each condition.
As recommended, the drug Danotan is used for subjects with the purpose of anticonvulsant with the following dosage:
Children 12 - 30 months old use a dose of 0.01 - 0.02g/day; Children from 30 months to 15 years old use Danotan dose from 0.02 to 0.04g/day; Adults use Danotan dose from 0.20 to 0.40g/day; Adjust dose reduction of Danotan with the following subjects:
Liver failure; CKD; Elderly; Alcoholism; Depression . In addition, depending on the condition, the doctor may prescribe and adjust the dose of Danotan accordingly.

5. Contraindications to the drug Danotan

Danotan is not used for the following cases:
Allergy to the ingredients contained in Danotan; Severe liver failure; Porphyria metabolism disorders. To be safe, do not use Danotan for subjects with contraindications.

6. Precautions and warnings when taking Danotan

The manufacturer also gives some cautions and warnings when using Danotan including:
People with epilepsy do not stop taking the drug suddenly; Use more vitamin D2 for young children; Women 1 month before giving birth need to take extra vitamin K. These safety warnings are given by the manufacturer to help patients use Danotan safely.

7. Interaction Danotan

Phenobarbital active ingredient in Danotan drug is a strong inducer of cytochorom P450 enzyme. It is involved in the transfer of many different drugs. Therefore, when co-administered with other drugs, caution should be exercised to avoid interactions.
Some drug interactions when using Danotan include:
Birth control pills; Tricyclic antidepressants; Valproic Acid; Anticoagulants; Digitoxin; H1 antagonists; Benzodiazepines; Clonidine; Morphine; Sedative; Anxiolytic drugs. Inform the doctor about the drugs the patient is taking when there are indications to use Danotan.

8. Side effects of the drug Danotan

When taking Danotan you may also experience side effects such as:
Anemia; Athritis; Rickets in children ; Psychosis; Sleepy; Confusion; Rash; Eyeball twitch. Inform your doctor about the side effects when using Danotan so that they can be effectively managed.

9. Danotan overdose and treatment

When taking an overdose of Danotan, you may have the following symptoms:
Slow breathing; Vascular collapse; Loss of reflexes; Hypotension; Respiratory arrest; Arrhythmia ; CKD; Pulmonary edema; Pneumonia. When you have symptoms of an overdose of Danotan, you need to ask your loved ones to take you to a medical facility for treatment. Overdose management is carried out by medical personnel by:
Clearing the airways; Drink activated charcoal; Diuretic; Peritoneal dialysis; Blood filtration. In summary, Danotan is an anticonvulsant that should be taken as prescribed and prescribed by a doctor. While taking Danotan if you have any questions, you can consult your doctor / pharmacist for information.

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