The difference between 1-capsule and 2-capsule contraceptive implants

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Trinh Thi Thanh Huyen - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Currently, the implant is considered a modern and effective method to help women feel comfortable in love without having to worry about unplanned pregnancy. There are two types of implant used most commonly, the contraceptive stick 1 stick/capsule and the contraceptive stick 2 stick/capsule. These are all birth control methods with an effective period of up to years.

1. What is the contraceptive implant?

The contraceptive implant is a method of using one or several sticks, smaller than matchsticks, containing the hormone progesterone, to be implanted in the skin under the arm. Every day, that rod secretes a certain amount of female hormone progestin into the body, which helps thicken the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering. On the other hand, the progestin content also inhibits the ovulation process, making the uterine lining not favorable enough to implant a fertilized egg. This is a fairly safe method, with a contraceptive effect of up to 99.9%, similar to the female sterilization method, so it is favored by many women.

Hormone progesterone có trong que tránh thai
Hormone progesterone có trong que tránh thai

2. Classification of contraceptive implants

Currently, on the market, there are 2 types of contraceptive implant commonly used such as:
3-year contraceptive implant: 1 stick/capsule type (Implanon) 4-year contraceptive implant: type of contraceptive stick 2 sticks/capsule (Femplant/Jadelle) 2.1. Implanon Contraceptive Stick This is a 3-year contraceptive implant method with the operation of inserting a bioplastic cylinder containing 68mg of Etonogestrel into the body. Implanon is the most used type in our country today because of the simple implantation technique and very good contraceptive effect, and the price is suitable for many subjects.
2.2. Femplant/Jadelle Contraceptive Stick This is a 4-year contraceptive implant with each stick containing 75mg of Etonogestrel (total dose 150mg). The duration of contraception is longer, can be up to 5 years, but from the fourth year onwards, the contraceptive effectiveness of the 2-capsule will gradually decrease.
The ideal time to implant the contraceptive rod is within the first 5 days of the menstrual cycle. If you have a contraceptive implant at other times of your cycle and want to be completely effective at this time, you should use an alternative method of contraception during that cycle (eg condoms). ) if having sex.

Que tránh thai Implanon
Que tránh thai Implanon

3. General advantages of the contraceptive implant

In addition to being highly effective, the method of contraception by subcutaneous implantation also offers a number of advantages such as:
Applicable in lactating women (doesn't affect lactation and milk quality). mother ) The duration of effect lasts from 3-5 years. Once the IUD is removed, the ability to conceive is restored quickly. The procedure for inserting and removing the IUD is quite simple. After giving birth, some women > 40 years old, who have uterine fibroids can also use safe contraceptive implants. However, similar to the daily contraceptive method, the implant can also bring about side effects such as: menstrual disorders, nausea, fatigue, menorrhagia, high blood pressure, acne, etc. pruritus at the implant site, weight gain or loss, or amenorrhea. Usually only 20% of women experience these side effects and it usually takes 2-3 months to return to normal.

Phụ nữ đang cho con bú có thể tránh thai bằng cách cấy que dưới da
Phụ nữ đang cho con bú có thể tránh thai bằng cách cấy que dưới da

4. Contraindications

Although very effective in preventing pregnancy, the implant is not recommended for the following:
Women who are pregnant or suspected of being pregnant. People with breast cancer or suspected breast cancer, have abnormal lumps in the breast. People with severe liver disease (acute liver or liver tumor, decompensated cirrhosis...) People with deep vein thrombosis in the legs or lungs, pulmonary embolism. Vaginal bleeding of unknown cause. Patients with lupus erythematosus, rash The patient is taking anti-tuberculosis drugs or anti-epileptic drugs. Therefore, before deciding to have a 3-year contraceptive implant or a 4-year contraceptive implant, you should consult your doctor and take the necessary examination steps to avoid affecting your health.
Master. Trinh Thi Thanh Huyen is highly trained in obstetric ultrasound, laparoscopic surgery and hysteroscopy at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology and has more than 13 years of experience working at Hai Phong Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital.
Currently the doctor is an Obstetrician and Gynecologist at Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
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