The change of pregnant women at week 38

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Pregnant women from week 38 onwards can experience signs of labor at any time. Therefore, pregnant women at 38 weeks and their relatives should be prepared so that if there is an emergency situation, the pregnant woman can be hospitalized in time.

1. What's special about 38 weeks pregnant?

38 weeks pregnant usually does not increase the size of the belly, but may feel much more uncomfortable than in the previous weeks. From 38 weeks onwards is quite sensitive period because 95% of pregnant women will give birth during this period.
Most of the hair, fluff, wax and white coating on the skin of the 38 week fetus will disappear. The baby is receiving antibodies from the mother to protect itself against disease. The development of the fetus at this stage is quite slow, but subcutaneous fat cells continue to be formed. The baby is almost ready to be born.
38 weeks pregnant women can consider circumcising the baby immediately after birth if it is a boy. In Vietnam, there are currently no regulations or recommendations on whether newborn babies should be circumcised or not. However, most babies are able to retract the foreskin easily without any medical intervention.

Bà bầu mang thai tuần 38 thường không tăng thêm kích thước vòng bụng, nhưng có thể cảm thấy khó chịu hơn nhiều so với các tuần trước đó
Bà bầu mang thai tuần 38 thường không tăng thêm kích thước vòng bụng, nhưng có thể cảm thấy khó chịu hơn nhiều so với các tuần trước đó

2. How does the 38-week pregnant woman's body change?

Pregnant women in this week of pregnancy often have to go to the toilet very often due to the pressure of the baby on the bladder from the pelvic side. This also makes the 38-week pregnant woman pain in the lower abdomen.
During this period, pregnant women need to pay attention to the signs of labor so that they can be hospitalized in time. In many cases, babies born between 1 and 2 weeks before or after their due date are considered normal. However, if it is 2 weeks after the due date and the baby is still not born, it is called a late birth (or folklorely called "buffalo pregnancy"). Pregnant women are at risk of having a late delivery if:
Mistakes in calculating the due date, due to incorrect determination of the first day of the mother's last menstrual period; Mother gave birth to a child compared with ; Mother has given birth late before; In the mother's family, someone has ever given birth late; Pregnant with a baby boy.

3. Common symptoms in pregnant women at 38 weeks of pregnancy

Frequent urination During the 38th week of pregnancy, the first part of the fetus has entered the mother's pelvis, compressing the bladder and causing the feeling of frequent urination. Therefore, pregnant women should not use stimulants or diuretics (such as caffeine) in the last weeks of pregnancy, and also should not reduce water intake, because it will affect the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus.
38 weeks pregnant woman lower abdominal pain The compression of the fetus in the lower abdomen can cause a lot of discomfort. Besides, physiological contractions appear more and more heavily, causing 38 weeks pregnant women to have lower abdominal pain.
Vaginal discharge at 38 weeks pregnant may experience cervical mucus plug shedding, which is the appearance of pink or brown vaginal discharge, which contains the lining of the uterus. This phenomenon is a signal that labor is impending, but it is impossible to know exactly when (usually from a few hours to a few days, even weeks).
Vaginal bleeding Vaginal discharge from 38 weeks pregnant women can be tinged with pink or brown color. This is because the blood vessels in the cervix are broken during dilation to prepare for the baby to pass through during labor, leading to bleeding and mixed vaginal discharge. This is also a sign that the baby is about to be born.
Diarrhea The bowel movements become looser and softer, indicating that the mother's body is changing to prepare for labor. Therefore, if a pregnant woman has diarrhea during this week of pregnancy, it is very likely that labor is imminent.
Itchy abdomen Large abdomen and tight skin easily cause dry itchy skin due to loss of moisture.
Swollen feet The growth of the fetus causes a pregnant woman to increase fluid reserves and causes swelling in the legs, especially the ankles. To overcome, pregnant women can consider using medical equipment, such as specialized socks to reduce varicose veins.
Insomnia Pregnant women at 38 weeks often have a hard time sleeping due to many reasons, mainly from panic and stress.
Colostrum leak Pregnant women's breasts begin to grow larger and sometimes there is a leak of colostrum.

4. Advice for pregnant women at 38 weeks

Đi bộ được xem là một trong những động tác tốt nhất trong thai kỳ
Đi bộ được xem là một trong những động tác tốt nhất trong thai kỳ

4.1. Prepare yourself mentally Pregnant women at 38 weeks can show signs of labor at any time. Therefore, in this week of pregnancy, pregnant women need to prepare all necessary items during and after labor.
4.2. Walking Pregnant women should not lie in one place for too long, instead, they can take a gentle walk to exercise their body. On the other hand, walking is considered one of the best movements during pregnancy. Especially for pregnant women at 38 weeks, walking facilitates constant swaying of the hips, helping the baby's head enter the mother's pelvis more easily and the labor process is also somewhat more favorable.
4.3. Reducing stress Pregnant women up to week 38 must have a lot of thoughts, worries, and anxiety when the due date is near. This can adversely affect the health of the mother and the fetus. To overcome stress, pregnant women can practice relaxing exercises (such as yoga, meditation, breathing exercises). Some pregnant women find comfort in listening to their favorite music, watching a movie, or reading a book.
4.4. Wear loose, airy clothes Pregnant women at 38 weeks often feel hot and sweat a lot. The main cause is the hormonal changes during pregnancy, which increase blood flow, increase metabolism and sweat excretion. To keep cool, pregnant women should wear loose, light clothes, drink lots of water, and open up the space.
4.5. Do Squat Exercise Squat exercises include standing up and sitting down similar to squatting. Performing Squats regularly helps the body to be flexible and strengthens muscles. What's more, Squats have the potential to make labor happen earlier because they help open up the pelvis, creating space to allow the baby to induce labor.
Pregnant women should be familiar with Squat exercises and practice daily. Because during childbirth, many women have to sit in a squatting position for hours until the baby is out.
Pregnant women at 38 weeks should learn about maternity care packages for the labor stage at reputable hospitals so that this extremely important stage can take place smoothly and safely for both mother and child. little.
Vinmec International General Hospital is providing the Maternity Care Program 2019 - Labor is part of the Maternity Care Program 2019. When participating in the package, pregnant women are accompanied by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist at Vinmec throughout the labor process, with the full and best support from a system of international standard equipment and quality care. Attentive, dedicated service.
To find out more information about maternity packages at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.
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