The bigger the brain, the bigger the tumor risk?

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New research in Norway, published in the journal Neuro-Oncology, shows that the larger the brain, the higher the risk of dying from brain cancer. The reason is that a larger brain means more brain cells, and when there are more cells, there is an increased rate of cell division that is wrong and leads to mutations that cause cancer.

1. What is a brain tumor?

A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. Currently, there are different types of brain tumors with two main groups: noncancerous (benign) brain tumors and cancerous (malignant) brain tumors. Brain tumors can start in the brain (primary brain tumor) or cancer can start in other parts of the body and spread to the brain (secondary tumor or metastasis to the brain).
The growth rate as well as the location of the brain tumor determines how the tumor will affect the function of the patient's nervous system. And treatments for brain tumors depend on the type of brain tumor you have, as well as its size and location.
The signs and symptoms of brain tumors vary widely and depend on the size, location, and growth rate of the brain tumor. General signs and symptoms of a brain tumor may include:
Beginning of a headache or a change in headache pattern from before Headache that gradually becomes more frequent and severe Nausea or vomiting does not clear reason Vision problems, such as blurred vision, double vision, or loss of peripheral vision Gradual loss of feeling or weakness in an arm or leg Difficulty maintaining balance Difficulty speaking Frequently making mistakes confusion in daily activities Personality or behavior changes Seizures, especially in people with no history of seizures Hearing problems

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2. The bigger the brain, the greater the risk of brain tumors?

Invasive brain cancer is a rare cancer, but once you get it, the chances of survival are relatively low. According to the researchers, lifestyle makes a difference in the risk of some cancers. For example, smokers have a higher risk of lung cancer than non-smokers. But when it comes to brain cancer, lifestyle plays a less important role.
Previous studies have shown that the size of some organs can play an important role in the likelihood of cancer developing. For example, women with large breasts have a higher risk of breast cancer. With such a hypothesis, the team of Fyllingen and his colleagues collected health information and blood samples from thousands of Norwegians in the Nord-Trondelag region to test whether larger brain size causes increased risk of brain tumors or brain cancer. The authors used this information to compare it with data for all patients who had brain tumor surgery between 2007 and 2015 at St. Olav. In addition, the team also used MRI to measure the size of the brain and created 3D models for the study subjects to measure brain volume.
The results show that men have more brain tumors than women. The authors explain that men have larger brains than women because men's bodies are usually larger, that doesn't mean men are smarter, but men need more brain cells to control. large body size. In addition, women with large brains have a higher risk of developing brain tumors than men with large brains.

3. Other risk factors for brain tumors

In most patients with primary brain tumors, no cause can be found. But doctors may have identified a number of factors that can increase the risk of brain tumors, including:
Exposure to radiation. People who have been exposed to a type of radiation called ionizing radiation have an increased risk of brain tumors. Examples include the use of ionizing radiation in radiation therapy to treat cancer and radiation exposure from atomic bombs. Family history of brain tumor. A small fraction of the incidence of brain tumors occurs in people who have a family history of brain tumors or have a family history of genetic syndromes that increase the risk of brain tumors. The larger the brain, the higher the risk of brain tumors, when brain tumors appear, if not examined and intervened in time, can leave complications, which can become brain cancer. Therefore, when seeing warning signs of brain tumors or any other abnormal signs of the body, patients need to go to medical facilities so that doctors can diagnose the disease as soon as possible.

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Vinmec International General Hospital is an effective treatment facility for brain tumors as well as neurological diseases. With fully equipped with modern equipment, the most advanced machines today such as: G.E 3.0 MRI machine, CT SCAN Toshiba 640 slices, cerebral angiogram, MRA and CTA... Doctors Doctors at Vinmec International General Hospital can easily detect, diagnose, and plan treatment thanks to the clear and detailed images obtained. Not only brain tumors, but also effectively applied to other brain and spine diseases...
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