The best way to regain sex drive after having a baby

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Frequency of sexual intercourse between husband and wife decreases during pregnancy. After giving birth, you give all your love to your baby, and feel that the time the couple spends together is very little. If you feel less sexual desire after having a baby, remember that this happens to many people, not just you. Both women's and men's sex drive are at their lowest during the first six to nine months after childbirth.

1. After giving birth, how long can I have sex?

Although you don't have to wait to have sex again after having a baby. But many experts recommend waiting, and being able to start having sex again four to six weeks after giving birth, whether you had a vaginal birth or a cesarean section.
Why wait so long? Because within the first 2 weeks after giving birth is the period with the highest risk of postpartum complications. At the same time, a woman's body also needs time to heal. In addition to postpartum discharge and vaginal tearing, a woman may experience fatigue, vaginal dryness, pain, and decreased sex drive. If you have a vaginal tear and need surgery, then you will have to wait until the wound heals.
During pregnancy, the frequency of intercourse of the couple decreases significantly, even there are couples who do not have sex during pregnancy. After giving birth, you give all your love to your baby, making the time the couple spend together very little. You may feel that you have less sex drive, and some women even experience post-partum frigidity.
You should not worry too much, because not only you but many other people also have this problem. It's perfectly normal for both women and men to have their sex drive at its lowest during the first six to nine months after childbirth. And there are ways to ignite your and your partner's sex drive.

Phụ nữ có thể quan hệ tình dục trở lại sau khi sinh từ 4 - 6 tuần
Phụ nữ có thể quan hệ tình dục trở lại sau khi sinh từ 4 - 6 tuần

2. What is the best way to regain sex drive after having a baby?

Intimacy between husband and wife needs to be a priority, you need to put sex on your to-do list. You and your partner need to schedule a specific time to have sex together. Make sure that there are no other factors affecting this time period. Computers and televisions should be turned off, cell phones should be put away.
In the eyes of many husbands, their wives are really sexy. But their wives do not think so, they feel they are not sexy, not attractive, feel self-conscious about their appearance. This is one of the biggest disconnects in a couple's sex life.
Women need to take action to regain confidence in the relationship between husband and wife. You can choose for yourself a new set of lingerie, buy some new clothes and exercise,... Wondering what would make you sexier? Like a spa session, manicure or gym,... When you have the answer, you will know what you need to do, do it right away, don't wait for anything.
Fathers can also help their wives regain their libido by doing small things. There are many mothers who are overwhelmed with childcare and housework. If a woman had to do so much work, she would feel tired, exhausted, and distracted.
In this case, the husband needs to participate, help his wife with the housework, wash the wife's clothes, ... to free up evening time for the couple to be intimate with each other.
New mothers often say that they are too tired with sex, and when they have free time, they just want to sleep. But what they don't know is that after having sex they will feel younger and wonder why they don't have sex more often.
When women breastfeed, they stroke and connect with their baby, which is intense and emotional. In fact, many new mothers feel that they are having an affair with their baby.

Quan hệ tình dục giúp phụ nữ cảm thấy trẻ lại
Quan hệ tình dục giúp phụ nữ cảm thấy trẻ lại

Women need to know that if they completely disconnect from their partner because all their physical and emotional attention is focused on their children, the family will not be happy in the end. Therefore, even though your little baby is consuming a lot of your time and energy, don't forget the baby's father.
Advice for couples is to always have intimate actions like holding hands, hugging, sitting next to each other. And you should have sex at least once a week. When you have sex once a week, you are maintaining an intimate connection with your partner.
Some specific things you can do to help you regain your sex drive after giving birth include:
2.1. Adjusting your expectations Your postpartum hormone levels make you less desirable for sex. sex. The first six weeks are undoubtedly the most difficult hormonally and physically for both women and men.
If this is your first time becoming a mother, your hormones will be low, your estrogen levels will look like you are in menopause, your vagina is dry and there is little natural lubricant, this will make you feel pain during sex.
Meanwhile, studies have also shown that men's testosterone levels decrease as they become fathers, and the more they interact with their children, the lower their testosterone levels. That's why the first thing couples need to do to regain their sex drive after having a baby is not to rush. Most women experience painful intercourse until 3 months after giving birth. Once you cross this line, you can have a normal sex life like before having a baby.

Trắc nghiệm: Phụ nữ nên tránh những sai lầm nào trong phòng ngủ?

Những rắc rối phát sinh trong phòng ngủ sẽ khiến cho đời sống tình dục trở nên suy giảm. Làm bài trắc nghiệm sau đây sẽ giúp phụ nữ tránh được những sai lầm trong phòng ngủ, từ đó nâng cao đời sống tình dục.

Nguồn tham khảo:

2.2. A two-hour break A better way to overcome postpartum depression is to seek help with babysitting your baby. You can hire a maid or ask your mother, cousin or friend, or simply ask a neighbor to look after you for a few hours. Because burnout is what takes away your sex drive. your sex after giving birth. You have less free time and more work to do that makes sex more difficult. According to experts who study human sexuality, even a two-hour vacation can have its benefits. can make a difference. It's short enough for the baby to manage on his own without breast milk or formula. But it was enough to make a big difference to the couple mentally and psychologically.
2.3. Just touching each other There is an emotional pitfall that many couples fall into: transferring their emotional energy to their children instead of showing affection to their partner. According to experts, most of them this has to do with oxytocin, which is a hormone released when we kiss, make love, and also when women breastfeed. Immediately after giving birth, the mother will receive oxytocin from breastfeeding. And this also affects the wife's sex drive. To regain sex drive, husband and wife need to start talking and touching each other. Even in the first 6 weeks, when intercourse is still difficult, arrange a time to massage each other. Don't be afraid of not having the opportunity to have sex, because you can take advantage of it. baby nap. Even if sex feels like a snack, it's incredibly important.

Khi làm tình, hormone oxytocin được tiết ra
Khi làm tình, hormone oxytocin được tiết ra

There are many people who experience a decrease in sex drive after giving birth, this not only happens to women but even men also have this problem. This is completely normal and you can regain your lust with simple things, like touching each other, spending time together even if it's just for brief periods of time while your angel is asleep. .
Vinmec International General Hospital has the function of examining, consulting and treating many diseases, including health and psychological counseling for mothers after giving birth. Therefore, if the mother has problems with mood, psychology, nutrition, care or marital life, she can come to Vinmec for intensive examination and treatment.

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