TG and Anti-TG tests in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer

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The article was written by Specialist Doctor II Do Tuong Huan - Oncologist, Oncology Center - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Normal thyroid cells produce Tg that circulates in the blood, and only thyroid cells produce Tg in the body. In some cases, the body produces an antibody against Tg called antiTg. When antiTg is high, the blood Tg test result will be inaccurate, possibly artificially low because a part of Tg has turned to antiTg.

1. Explain the relationship between thyroid cancer and TG indicators - Anti TG

Thyroid cells produce more or less Tg depending on the TSH in the blood. High TSH will stimulate more Tg production, low TSH will inhibit Tg production. Low TSH can be achieved by taking high-dose thyroid hormone tablets.
Well-differentiated thyroid cancer is the most common type of thyroid cancer, in which thyroid cancer cells still retain some of the features of normal thyroid cells such as the ability to produce Tg. For that reason, Tg is considered an indicator used to monitor disease after treatment for thyroid cancer.

Tế bào tuyến giáp có khả năng sản xuất Tg
Tế bào tuyến giáp có khả năng sản xuất Tg

2. What is the clinical significance of TG and Anti-TG testing? (Which is cancerous? which is benign)

Tg and antiTg tests are not used to diagnose thyroid cancer, this test is only valid for monitoring the disease after treatment for well-differentiated thyroid cancer.
Tg and antiTg tests are also not used to distinguish benign from cancerous goiter, this test is only valid for monitoring the disease after treatment for well-differentiated thyroid cancer.
After thyroid cancer treatment, especially the cases of total thyroidectomy with or without taking I 131 after surgery, the Tg value is low, the progression is lower during follow-up, meaning the response good treatment response. If the Tg value remains high or increases over time, a closer examination is needed for recurrence. In cases of high antiTg, the low Tg value is no longer meaningful.

Xét nghiệm Tg và antiTg để theo dõi tình trạng bệnh sau phẫu thuật điều trị ung thư
Xét nghiệm Tg và antiTg để theo dõi tình trạng bệnh sau phẫu thuật điều trị ung thư

3. How are these tests done?

This test is done with a blood test. When taking the test, it is necessary to inform the doctor about how much thyroid hormone medication you are taking or if you have stopped taking thyroid hormone medicine.
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