Taking care of children with teething fever

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Until now, it has not been explained what the cause of a child's teething fever is, the reason is because each child's body is different, so there will be different reactions, maybe teething fever or maybe not. So what are the signs of teething fever?

Video content is consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Minh Tuan - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital

Here are some symptoms of teething:
Drooling; A rash around the chin and around the mouth; Cough, lumps in the gums; Baby loves to bite; Painful, swollen gums/gums; Irritability and suckling less; Diarrhea, teething fever; Not having a good sleep; Pull the ear, rub the cheek with your hand. Children with teething fever is a normal physiological condition, parents need to pay special attention to the child's nutrition, giving them soft foods to reduce discomfort and pain during eating and chewing. After the child has finished eating, soft gauze should be used to clean the child's teeth during the period of teething fever. Do not apply baby teething fever tips by folk methods without consulting a doctor.
In case the child has a fever, teething, but the temperature is too high, the child is fussy, the child can be used to reduce the fever combined with a warm compress to relax the blood vessels in the skin, and the steam evaporates to help reduce body heat.
In addition, parents can apply tips to treat a baby's teething fever or rather, how to take care of a teething child to make them more comfortable and comfortable during the teething period:
Do not try to force your baby to eat a lot. The best way is to divide your baby's meals and give them soft foods like porridge to stimulate their teeth to grow faster, chewing also makes them comfortable and painless when teething fever. Spend more time talking, comforting, hugging and loving your baby more at the time when the child has a fever and teething. When teething, in addition to teething fever, many babies have bowel movements many times from 3 to 6 days. Therefore, the mother needs to give the baby a lot of water to replace the lost water. Regularly clean your baby's teeth with a small, moistened gauze pad that gently rubs baby's tongue and teeth. Use your hands to gently massage your baby's gums to relieve pain when teething fever. Alleviate your baby's pain by engaging your baby in an activity or game that he/she loves, such as listening to music, playing with a new toy, etc. To prevent diseases that babies often suffer from, parents should Pay attention to nutrition to improve resistance for children. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website Vinmec.com regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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