Symptoms of kidney failure in men

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Kidney failure is currently a disease classified as dangerous, and has tended to increase in recent years. In particular, according to recent studies, scientists have shown that the risk of kidney failure in men is higher than in women.

1. Symptoms of kidney failure in men

Symptoms of kidney failure in the early stages are often silent and difficult to detect. The following signs will help men know that their kidneys are weak:
Shivering, cold limbs: this is a feeling of fear of cold and blowing wind. Cold extremities, cold to the joints of the knees and elbows. Feeling shivering, cold extremities, often accompanied by symptoms of kidney failure such as back, sore knees, mental fatigue, weak breathing, pale mouth... Excessive sex: One One of the factors that weaken the kidneys is too much sex. According to Oriental Medicine, the kidney contains semen, the refined kidney creates the yin kidney and the yang kidney to keep the internal organs warm. Kidney yin and kidney yang rely on and support each other to maintain the body's physiological balance. If this balance is not maintained, or one side of the negative or yang kidney is weakened, diseases will arise, and in men, symptoms such as premature ejaculation, impotence, and semen problems will appear. .
Dizziness, insomnia, nightmares: The kidneys play an important role in the body in the five internal organs. Kidneys nourish and warm other internal organs. When other parts of the body are ill for a long time, it will not be good for the kidneys. Chronic diseases such as hepatitis, coronary heart disease, asthma... are often accompanied by symptoms of kidney failure.

Hoa mắt chóng mặt, mất ngủ, gặp ác mộng là triệu chứng suy thận ở nam giới
Hoa mắt chóng mặt, mất ngủ, gặp ác mộng là triệu chứng suy thận ở nam giới

Asthma: Air intake is a function of the kidneys. When kidney failure cannot take in gas, it will lead to wheezing, exhaling a lot, inhaling less, making the patient feel short of breath. Irregular nocturia: Usually at night the number of times to urinate is 2 or the amount of urine is not more than 1⁄4 compared to the whole day. When the amount of urine exceeds the amount of urine during the day or urinating at night 1 time / hour, it is nocturnal polyuria. Urinating normally during the day while at night urinating a lot, this is a feature of nephrotic syndrome. Back pain: People with mild back pain find it difficult to stoop or stand upright, people with severe symptoms show symptoms of foot pain, heel pain, ... Back pain - the main problem is in the kidneys, which can be divided into 2 types: one is due to internal injury, the other is due to fatigue. When the kidneys are injured internally, people are physically weak due to congenital illness, long-term illness or fatigue. Labor force disease is caused by labor, carrying heavy loads, doing heavy work for a long time and fixed in one position. When sitting for a long time, it will damage kidney qi and cause kidney failure. Tinnitus, dizziness: People with dizziness will often be accompanied by a feeling of tinnitus, affecting hearing, if left for a long time, it will cause deafness in the ears. Kidneys are also the cause of tinnitus. Constipation: Constipated people have difficulty in defecation, causing consequences such as hemorrhoids, affecting work and life. The root cause of constipation is kidney failure because the intestinal transmission must be stimulated and nourished by the kidney to promote its effects. Edema: When the kidneys are impaired in removing excess fluid from the body, the legs and wrists become swollen.

2. The main cause of kidney failure

Eat a lot of protein-containing foods: When the body absorbs too much protein for a long time, it will increase the burden on the kidneys, causing the kidneys to work too hard, leading to a decline in kidney function. Foods containing Purine: In stewed meat, there is a large amount of Purine, which will lead to kidney failure and cause a stroke. Holding urine, not drinking enough water: Holding urine is the cause of increased bladder pressure, causing vesicoureteral reflux leading to pyelonephritis, kidney failure. When not drinking enough water, waste products and toxins in the urine increase, affecting the function of the kidneys. Eating salty foods: Dressing makes it difficult for water in the body to be excreted, creating an extra burden on the kidneys, reducing their function, leading to kidney failure. Unreasonable use of western medicine: Using too much medicine, in an unreasonable amount, when it passes through the kidney's filtering system and is excreted, in the long run, it will damage the kidneys, leading to kidney failure. Age: As age increases, kidney function also declines. Therefore, when there are factors that affect it, it is easy to cause kidney failure.

3. Can kidney failure be cured?

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When the disease is detected early, the patient needs to follow the treatment regimen given by the doctor, and at the same time need a suitable diet and activities, which will help reduce the progression of the disease and prevent the disease. prevent adverse complications.
Using drugs in combination with a scientific lifestyle is a treatment method for kidney failure, mainly preserving and improving symptoms. When the disease has progressed to the end stage, it is necessary to use other interventions such as hemodialysis and kidney transplant to prolong life.
When finding themselves with symptoms of kidney failure in the early stages, patients should go to reputable medical facilities for examination, diagnosis and timely treatment.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a leading medical facility in Vietnam, highly appreciated by customers in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the urinary system such as kidney failure.
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