Surgery for appendicitis (open surgery): Indicated when?

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Appendicitis can lead to serious complications such as ruptured appendix, spreading infection throughout the abdomen, forming pockets of pus in the abdomen,... There are 2 surgical methods for appendicitis: open surgery. appendix and laparoscopic appendicitis surgery. In particular, open surgery is the traditional treatment method applied to many patients.

1. An overview of appendicitis

The appendix is ​​a small, narrow piece of intestine a few centimeters long, attached to the cecum. This organ is located in the lower right abdomen, the junction between the small intestine and the large intestine. Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix due to a blockage of the appendix lumen (fecal stones, parasites, gallstones, appendiceal tumors,...). This obstruction increases the pressure in the appendix lumen, reduces tissue perfusion, facilitates rapid bacterial multiplication, and causes the appendix to become inflamed, swollen, and filled with pus.
Common symptoms of appendicitis include: Abdominal pain, fever, digestive disorders. The diagnosis of the disease is mainly based on clinical examination, blood tests, abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, laparoscopy,...
If not promptly treated, appendicitis may rupture, releasing bacteria into the abdomen and increasing the rate of complications. Common complications of appendicitis include: Appendiceal rupture causing appendicitis peritonitis, appendiceal abscess, appendiceal mass.

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Tình trạng viêm ruột thừa

In terms of treatment, appendicitis is usually treated with surgery to remove the inflamed appendix. Before surgery, patients may be treated with antibiotics to prevent infection. There are two types of surgery: laparoscopic surgery and open surgery. In addition, if the patient has a ruptured appendix, an abscess has formed around the appendix, it will be indicated to place a drainage tube through the abdominal wall to the abscess to drain the pus, when the condition is stabilized. New infection performed appendectomy. In addition, if the patient has only a few symptoms of appendicitis, the doctor considers that there is no need for immediate surgery, then antibiotic treatment can be used to monitor the progress of improvement. This method can be effective but there is also the possibility of recurrent appendicitis.

2. Surgical methods for appendicitis

There are 2 surgical methods for appendicitis, including:
Open appendicitis: An open abdominal surgery, performed by making an abdominal skin incision 5 - 10cm long; Laparoscopic appendicitis: A laparoscopic abdominal surgery performed through several small skin incisions in the abdomen. During appendectomy, the doctor inserts a video tube into the patient's abdomen and specialized equipment to remove the appendix. Laparoscopic surgery has the advantage of helping patients recover faster, with less pain and less scarring, making it ideal for patients who are elderly or obese. However, this method is not suitable for all patients. In some special cases, open surgery will be indicated.

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Ruột thừa được loại bỏ bằng phương pháp nội soi

After appendectomy, the patient will stay in hospital for an average of 2-3 days for laparoscopic surgery and longer for open surgery. Complications that may be encountered after appendectomy include: Infection (occurs in 2 - 4% of cases), possibly an infection of the incision or the formation of an intra-abdominal abscess; blood clot formation; heart problems, difficulty breathing,...
After surgery, the patient can be given antibiotics and pain relievers as prescribed by the doctor. The patient can take liquid food when the digestive tract is completely recovered. During the first week after surgery, the patient should exercise gently, do not carry heavy objects or do strenuous activities. The surgical scar will heal in about 4-6 weeks after surgery and will fade in the following years.

3. Details of the method of open surgery for appendicitis

Open surgery for appendicitis is the traditional treatment of the disease. In this procedure, the doctor removes the inflamed appendix through a large incision in the patient's right lower abdomen. This is also the type of surgery used to examine the structures inside the abdominal cavity (exploratory laparotomy).
Indications for open surgery for appendicitis: Alternative in cases where the patient cannot have laparoscopic surgery:
The appendix has burst and the infection has spread outside the appendix or there is an abscess; The patient had a previous laparotomy. The procedure for open surgery for appendicitis is as follows:
The patient is under general anesthesia; The doctor makes a 5-10cm incision in the lower right abdomen; Locate the appendix, the doctor uses surgical instruments to remove the appendix and surrounding damaged tissue; Check again, make sure there are no signs of damage to the surrounding tissues, then close the incision; Cover the incision with a sterile bandage to prevent infection.

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Vị trí vết mổ ruột thừa nằm ở bên phải

The whole process of open surgery for appendicitis lasts about 1 hour in the absence of complications. After open surgery, the patient needs to rest and monitor at the hospital for at least 1 week before leaving. In the first few days after surgery, the patient may feel pain and fatigue, but there is no need to worry because these symptoms will gradually decrease over time. In case there are abnormal signs such as: Swollen incision, more pain; vomiting repeatedly; the incision is purulent, hot, red; If the patient has a high fever, the patient needs to contact the doctor for timely treatment.
Once appendicitis has been confirmed, the best treatment is to remove the appendix as soon as possible to reduce the rate of complications. When surgery is indicated for appendicitis, patients need to strictly follow the doctor's instructions before, during and after the surgery to effectively treat the disease and reduce the risk of complications.
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