Sunburned skin darkens, how to treat?

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Summer is one of the most loved seasons of the year with many outdoor recreational and sports activities. However, after many hours of playing in the sun, people often have to deal with sunburned skin. Many people are looking for answers to related questions such as what to wear when sunburned or how to whiten them. Many simple remedies can be taken at home to address sunburn, soothe skin, and reduce irritation.

1. Sunburn overview

Sunburn is a condition in which the skin becomes red and burning to the touch, usually many hours after exposure to UV rays in the sun or other artificial light sources.
Repeated exposure to sunlight causes skin burns and increases the risk of many other damage such as skin aging, melasma, peeling and skin cancer. Many remedies to help reduce sunburn can be done from simple home remedies. Sunburned skin usually takes several days to heal or even longer. In addition, it is necessary to take skin protection measures when playing or working outside, even on cool days to protect the skin and prevent sunburn.

2. Why does sunburned skin darken?

A lot of people wonder why the more sun protection, the darker the skin, in fact, because the sunburned skin condition appears due to the skin being too exposed to ultraviolet rays (UV rays). Ultraviolet radiation has a wavelength too short to be seen by the human eye. UV rays are divided into several groups based on wavelength, including two main groups, UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays are the rays that are capable of causing skin aging damage, while UVB rays are the main cause of skin burns. Exposure to ultraviolet rays including both UVA and UVB rays increases the likelihood of skin cancer occurring. Tanning beds are capable of producing UV radiation, which can also cause sunburn.
Melanin is a pigment located in the epidermis of the skin, which determines the normal skin color of each person. UV rays are factors that stimulate the body to increase melanin production and cause skin to darken. This is a response that protects the body from sunburn and further skin damage. However, the amount of melanin produced in each person is determined by the genome and many people do not produce enough melanin to protect the skin. At that time, UV rays cause burning, pain, swelling and redness of the skin.

Tia UV là một nguyên nhân khiến da bị cháy nắng sạm đen
Tia UV là một nguyên nhân khiến da bị cháy nắng sạm đen

Skin can burn and darken even on cool days and cloudy days. More than 80% of UV rays can penetrate clouds and reach skin. Water, sand, snow and other surfaces can reflect UV rays, causing skin burns to the same extent as direct exposure.

3. Risk factors for sunburned skin

Individuals with the following characteristics are at higher risk of sunburn:
Have light skin, blue eyes, blond or red hair Live in or travel to areas with hot, sunny climates sun Frequent outdoor work Engage in outdoor recreational activities and consume alcohol simultaneously. Have a history of sunburn Frequent exposure to sunlight and artificial light sources without skin protection. Use of certain medications that increase the skin's likelihood of sunburn.

Những người làm việc ngoài trời tăng nguy cơ khiến da bị cháy nắng sạm đen
Những người làm việc ngoài trời tăng nguy cơ khiến da bị cháy nắng sạm đen

4. Signs to recognize when the skin is sunburned

Signs and symptoms of sunburn include:
Redness of the skin Hot to the touch Pain, swelling, and itching Small blisters on the surface of the skin Headache, high fever, vomiting and lethargy if you experience a severe sunburn. Any part of the body exposed to the sun can be damaged, including the earlobes, scalp, eyelids and lips. Even shielded skin can get sunburned because UV rays can penetrate thin materials.
Signs and symptoms of sunburn usually appear within a few hours of sun exposure and continue for days afterward. In the later stages, the body can heal itself by shedding the damaged skin above.

Ngứa rát da mặt là dấu hiệu của tình trạng da bị cháy nắng sạm đen
Ngứa rát da mặt là dấu hiệu của tình trạng da bị cháy nắng sạm đen

When the skin is sunburned and dark, people need to see a doctor if they encounter the following danger signs:
Large area of ​​skin damage, a lot of pain Accompanied by fever, headache, confusion, vomiting No self-improves after several days Appearance of yellow fluid-filled blisters, which is a sign of infection

5. What to apply when sunburned skin?

There are many simple remedies that can be done at home for sunburn. People with sun-damaged skin can apply the following substances to their skin to relieve symptoms, including:

5.1. Cool water

Sunburn is simply understood as an inflammatory response of the skin. One of the easiest ways to reduce inflammation is to lower the temperature of the affected area. An effective way to relieve the immediate burning sensation is to jump into water or splash with cool water. However, be wary of pool water as the chlorinated water there can be more irritating to the skin. Using ice directly on the surface of the skin should be avoided as it can cause more damage to the sunburned area.

5.2. Baking soda and oatmeal

Mix a few tablespoons of baking soda in the shower with cool water and soak in it for about 15 to 20 minutes to help reduce the damage on the skin. Oatmeal can be added to soothe irritation and restore natural moisture in the skin. Do not rub your skin in the shower and afterwards, just blot the water with a soft cloth.

Baking soda giúp cải thiện làn da bị cháy nắng
Baking soda giúp cải thiện làn da bị cháy nắng

5.3. Vera

The gel layer from the aloe vera plant is known for many uses, including its ability to cool and soothe the skin. Apply the gel layer directly to the skin to help provide moisture and reduce skin burns quickly.

5.4. Vinegar

There are different opinions about using vinegar to treat sunburned skin. Some people think that adding vinegar to the bath can help alleviate the burning sensation, while others think the acidity of the vinegar only makes the situation worse.
In addition, some of the following measures are also effective when the skin is sunburned and dark:
Wear light and light clothes: when the skin is sunburned, you should choose clothes that do not cling to the surface of the skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body so it is best to allow the skin to breathe and recover from damage such as sunburn. Materials from natural fibers such as cotton are a good choice in this case. Drink plenty of water: When sunburned, the skin needs more moisture to recover. Drinking lots of water is a simple and effective measure. Use moisturizer: in addition to the initial treatment, the skin needs more gentle care. One of the most important things to do to prevent flaking is to apply moisturizer to the damaged areas. Should choose special creams for sensitive skin, especially without colorants and fragrances to limit skin irritation.

Bổ sung đủ nước giúp cấp ẩm và phục hồi da bị cháy nắng
Bổ sung đủ nước giúp cấp ẩm và phục hồi da bị cháy nắng

6. Measures to prevent sunburn

Some ways to help prevent sun damage include:
Avoid sun exposure from 10 am to 4 pm: this is when solar radiation is highest Therefore, outdoor activities should be limited during this period. Avoid using tanning beds: Artificial light from tanning beds has the potential to produce UV rays and cause skin burns. Cover up: when going out, wear a wide-brimmed hat and long-sleeved shirt and long pants to protect your body. Dark clothing offers better protection. Use sunscreen enough and often: choose water-resistant sunscreens and lip balms with an SPF of 30 or higher with broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection. Sunscreen should be applied to the skin for about 15 to 30 minutes before going outside, paying attention to exposed areas of the skin. Reapply sunscreen every 40 to 80 minutes or immediately after showering or perspiring. Sunscreen should be applied before applying insect repellent. Wear sunglasses when going out: should choose glasses that are resistant to UVA and UVB rays, which can be referred to on the product parameters.

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