Successful fresh embryo transfer experience

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In order to successfully transfer fresh embryos from the first time, besides objective factors such as doctor qualifications, IVF equipment,..., infertile couples also need to prepare well psychologically. and health.

1. What is fresh embryo transfer?

In IVF, embryo transfer is applied to infertile couples. During IVF, the couple's eggs and sperm are put into the test tube, creating conditions for fertilization. Once successfully fertilized, the egg becomes a zygote. When the embryo develops to the appropriate stage, it will be implanted in the mother's uterus and the pregnancy will proceed normally.
Fresh embryo transfer is a technique where eggs are immediately fertilized and implanted in the mother's uterus after collection. The success rates of fresh and stored (frozen) embryo transfers are similar.)

2. Successful fresh embryo transfer experience

2.1 Before embryo transfer The husband needs to:
Limit the use of soy products; Add steamed eggs with honey, beef, bean sprouts, drink a lot of water, eat blood cockles, pork kidneys, ... and red fruits in the daily menu; Provides extra vitamin E and multivitamins. The wife needs:
Eat durian, chicken eggs, brick crab, cockles, cauliflower, carp, beef, avocado, spinach, vegetables and legumes,...; Drink plenty of water including filtered water, soy milk and fruit juices to avoid the risk of constipation and ovarian hyperstimulation; Avoid foods that can cause miscarriage such as laksa leaves, papaya, longan, squid,...; Extra iron, multivitamin and folic acid. Both husband and wife need to:
Quit stimulants including: Alcohol, beer, tobacco, coffee,...; Strength training with exercises to maintain health. The wife can do additional pelvic exercises to increase blood flow to the uterus; Moderate activities: Maintain a stable schedule of activities and avoid staying up late; Keep personal hygiene clean, avoid diseases that cause infections of the genital organs; Mental relaxation and stress relief.

Cả 2 vợ chồng cần nghiêm túc thực hiện hướng dẫn của bác sĩ
Cả 2 vợ chồng cần nghiêm túc thực hiện hướng dẫn của bác sĩ

Take and order medicine as prescribed by the doctor on time and regularly. Exogenous endocrine drugs are indicated for use before embryo transfer. Women are usually given oral estrogen at the beginning of their menstrual cycle at a dose of 4 to 8 mg/day. When the endometrium reaches a thickness of 8mm or more and has a coffee bean shape, additional vaginal, oral or intramuscular progesterone should be used; Avoid watching movies, reading books that are violent or inciting so as not to affect psychology; Do not have sex 24 hours before embryo transfer to avoid affecting the embryo transfer results. 2.2 On the day of embryo transfer Husband and wife are present at the hospital on time, bring the necessary documents according to the instructions of the medical staff; Do not wear makeup, wear jewelry, apply oil, use perfume, dye your hair or paint your nails; 2 hours before embryo transfer, the wife should urinate cleanly so that the doctor can ultrasound to re-evaluate the endometrium before embryo transfer. Then drink 1 glass of water about 300ml, hold urine until embryo transfer because performing an abdominal ultrasound requires urine in the bladder for the doctor to observe the process of pumping embryos into the uterus; After embryo transfer: You need to lie down in place for about 15 - 30 minutes or longer and then gently urinate before leaving. If you have any strange or uncomfortable symptoms, you should notify your healthcare provider immediately. Then you can go home, you should go by car, avoid the road too bumpy. 2.3 After embryo transfer Resting mode
After transferring fresh embryos on day 3 or day 5, the woman should lie down in the hospital for monitoring. Long or short time depends on the health and psychological status of the woman; Limit moving stairs, running or exercising vigorously; Walk gently to facilitate blood circulation, do not lie in one place; Abstain from conjugal relations; Contact your doctor if you notice unusual signs such as severe abdominal pain, bleeding, ...

Người phụ nữ nên nằm nghỉ ở bệnh viện để theo dõi những ngày đầu chuyển phôi
Người phụ nữ nên nằm nghỉ ở bệnh viện để theo dõi những ngày đầu chuyển phôi

Abstain from foods such as papaya, sweet potato, fresh coconut water,...; Should not eat foods that are too sour, too spicy, too hot or too cold,... because they are easy to cause constipation, affecting the fetal heart; Do not take any medicine without your doctor's approval; Eat normally, full and diverse nutrients, especially adding carp, milk and fruits to the daily menu. The use of drugs
Unlike natural conception, the mother in IVF needs to take more drugs as prescribed by the doctor to ensure the development of the fetus. The woman needs to follow the doctor's instructions exactly to ensure a successful outcome of the IVF technique.
Mentality and psychology affect the success rate of fresh embryo transfer. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid watching movies, reading books with violent nature, strong excitement. Women need to keep their mind at ease, avoid worrying and overthinking.

3. Signs of successful fresh embryo transfer

If the embryo transfer is successful, the woman will have the first symptoms including:
Abdominal distention after lung transfer; Vaginal secretion of white blood; Tightness, pain, tightness in the chest; Bleeding reported; Fatigue or morning sickness; High body temperature; Missed period. There are many factors that determine the success of an IVF cycle. In particular, comfortable psychological preparation, appropriate nutrition and scientific lifestyle play a very important role in the couple's journey to find children.
Vinmec IVF Reproductive Center is the address of infertility - infertility treatment chosen by many couples. So far, the Center has performed fertility support for over 1000 infertile couples with a success rate of over 40%. This rate is equivalent to developed countries such as UK, USA, Australia,...

Trung tâm hỗ trợ sinh sản IVF Vinmec đã đem lại niềm vui cho nhiều cặp vợ chồng hiếm muôn
Trung tâm hỗ trợ sinh sản IVF Vinmec đã đem lại niềm vui cho nhiều cặp vợ chồng hiếm muôn

Center gathers a team of leading experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology in the country and abroad, trained at leading centers in the world such as in the US, Singapore, Japan, Australia and Support centers famous breed in the world.
With a high level of expertise and extensive experience, Vinmec IVF Center's experts are capable of synchronously and comprehensively deploying the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques today, helping realize the dream of becoming a parent of hundreds of families across Vietnam.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference: Kinh-nghiem-chuyen-phoi-ngay-5-thanh-cong Kinh-nghiem-truoc-khi-chuyen-phoi-de -thanh-cong-ngay-tu-lan-dau-tien/ /chia-se-king-nghiem-cua-nhung-me-da-lam-thu-tinh-ong-nghiem-thanh-cong -age-old/
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