Some yoga exercises for pregnant women

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The article is professionally consulted by Yoga Meditation Specialist Chu Thi Nha - High-Tech Unit for Treatment of Cerebral Palsy and Autism - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
Yoga is an ideal exercise science chosen by pregnant women. Including a variety of movements suitable for each stage of pregnancy, yoga helps pregnant women become more flexible and relaxed. Here, we will learn about yoga exercises for pregnant women.

1. Benefits of doing yoga exercises for pregnant women

1.1. For pregnant moms

Yoga helps increase flexibility and range of motion. The ligaments and muscles will become more elastic which reduces the risk of cramping and soreness later in pregnancy. Helps reduce stress and limit anxiety. This will help the pregnant mother stabilize psychologically, cope with the pain during labor. Helps reduce the risk of urinary incontinence, bowel and bladder prolapse. Create a hormonal balance for pregnant women, help blood circulation better, minimize water retention problems and edema. Physical enhancement. Helps pregnant women sleep better, deeper sleep. Practicing yoga helps pregnant women control their weight without gaining too much weight. It also helps pregnant women get back in shape quickly after giving birth. Helps reduce the risk of preterm birth, easy breathing during labor, high blood pressure and maintain the right amount of amniotic fluid.

1.2. For the unborn baby

Em bé sinh ra có cân nặng chuẩn.
Em bé sinh ra có cân nặng chuẩn.
Practicing yoga helps mothers to relax, a comfortable mood will avoid harm to the fetus. The baby was born with a healthy, normal weight. Improve the circulation of oxygen through the placenta to the fetus by regularly practicing deep breathing. Stimulating the baby's brain function right from the womb through the senses so that the child can quickly improve their intelligence. In addition, yoga helps to bond mother and child even before the baby is born.

2. The best time for pregnant women to practice yoga for pregnant women?

In fact, if pregnant women do not have any health problems, they can practice yoga as soon as they find out they are pregnant. But, to be effective and safe for both mother and child, pregnant women should consult a doctor before exercising.
However, pregnant women should still start after the 12th week of pregnancy. Because the first 3 months is a sensitive time, morning sickness is easy and exercise is often limited.

3. Where is good to practice yoga?

Pregnant women can practice yoga at home or in the gym. If it is practiced under the guidance of a career coach, it will be much safer. Because each stage of pregnancy will have its own exercises suitable for pregnant women. If you practice on your own without knowledge, you may practice movements that are not suitable for each stage of pregnancy and may lead to premature birth,...
Therefore, it is better for you to join a class Professional yoga classes for pregnant women.

Mẹ bầu có thể tập yoga ở bất kỳ đâu mẹ cảm thấy thoải mái.
Mẹ bầu có thể tập yoga ở bất kỳ đâu mẹ cảm thấy thoải mái.
Even if you've practiced yoga before, it's still possible that you'll have difficulty in some of the poses specifically for pregnancy. Under the guidance of experts, pregnant mothers will feel more secure than the baby in the womb.
In addition, at the gym, pregnant mothers will have the opportunity to meet many other pregnant mothers. This makes it easy to share pregnancy experiences. When you have mastered the practice without the help of coaches, pregnant women can practice at home by themselves.

4. How intense should yoga exercises for pregnant women be?

Pregnant women should exercise every day, each session lasts about 30 minutes. If you don't have time to practice every day, then at least 3 times a week.
If you practice at home, you can exercise for about 30 minutes a day. Starting from breathing techniques for about 5 minutes, then warm up for 5 minutes, practice yoga poses for about 20 minutes, massage for about 10 minutes, and talk with the fetus to help connect mother and child more deeply, and Finally, relax for 5 minutes.
In addition, pregnant women can combine yoga with meditation, walking, swimming, but it should be suitable for their health status.

5. What kind of movements should be avoided?

The movements that mom feels are difficult and unable to do. The movements have to twist too much because it will cause the placenta to separate from the uterus. Avoid exercises with rolling movements, stand up and sit down continuously and quickly say no to banana tree movements, heels touching belly in standing position. Do not practice breathing techniques, fast, forceful breathing. Avoid forward crunches, avoid squeezing the abdomen, putting pressure on the abdomen.

6. Notes when doing yoga exercises for pregnant women

6.1. General notes during pregnancy

Pregnant women should not practice yoga when detecting the following symptoms:
High blood pressure or having been diagnosed with preeclampsia. Have had a miscarriage or are at risk of miscarriage. Amniotic fluid breaks or labor begins. Unusual vaginal bleeding or discomfort. Nausea, dizziness, headache.

6.2. Notes in each stage of pregnancy

The first 3 months: Breathing exercises and light warm-ups are the main ones to provide oxygen to nourish the fetus and avoid miscarriage.

At this stage, pregnant women are not too restricted in terms of waist circumference. However, this period is quite sensitive, pregnant women should still follow safety rules:
Drink enough water, during and after exercise to avoid dehydration. Always start with a gentle warm-up before working on more difficult movements. Make sure the movements are appropriate for your health status. Choose comfortable, sweat-wicking workout clothes. Eat a light snack 30 minutes before exercise to maintain energy for the body during the training session.

Uống đủ nước trong 3 tháng đầu.
Uống đủ nước trong 3 tháng đầu.

The middle 3 months: Practice movements mainly for the back and legs to avoid cramps, no back pain.

Không được căng cơ bụng trong 3 tháng giữa.
Không được căng cơ bụng trong 3 tháng giữa.

At this stage, the pregnant mother's belly has grown a lot, the joints also begin to loosen, affecting the mother's ability to keep balance. Therefore, mothers need to avoid movements that require balance or stand on one leg to reduce the possibility of falling. Be gentle and respect your body's limits, listen to what your body needs. Do not strain the abdominal muscles. Focus on the mind more than the body. In addition, pregnant women should also limit the movements of lying on their back. Because of the pressure on the inferior vena cava, pregnant women are prone to dizziness, shortness of breath and nausea, and also restrict blood flow to the fetus.

The last 3 months: Do a lot of hip and hip exercises to open the cavernous joint, facilitate childbirth, and practice pushing.

At this stage, it is difficult for pregnant women to practice movements that require complex combinations. Pregnant women should avoid sitting or standing for a long time. Stretching movements are also no longer suitable at this stage.

Mẹ nên tránh những động tác đứng lâu 1 chỗ 3 tháng cuối.
Mẹ nên tránh những động tác đứng lâu 1 chỗ 3 tháng cuối.

7. Some yoga exercises for pregnant women

Exercise 1

Pregnant mother in a sitting position, hands behind her back. Legs straight, shoulder width apart, soles of feet facing forward. Move so that your feet are facing inward. Repeat this movement about 20 times.

Exercise 2

Pregnant mother in a standing position with her back straight, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on thighs. Hold the position while taking a deep breath. Repeat the movement 4 times.

Mẹ bầu ở tư thế đứng thẳng lưng.
Mẹ bầu ở tư thế đứng thẳng lưng.

Exercise 3

Pregnant mother in a standing position, one foot steps forward, hands behind her back. Breathe in and out regularly. Change legs. Repeat each leg 4 times.

Mẹ bầu trong tư thế đứng.
Mẹ bầu trong tư thế đứng.

Exercise 4

Pregnant mother lying on her side, lower hand facing up, palm open. Inhale deeply, and at the same time bring the upper leg and lower arm up. Exhale, lower your arms and legs. Repeat the same movement with the other side. Each side about 4-6 times.

Exercise 5

Pregnant women sit up straight, cross their legs so that the soles of their feet touch each other. Place your hands gently on your knees. Raise your knees and place your knees on the floor so that your back is straight. Hold each pose for about 30 seconds.

Mẹ bầu ngồi thẳng lưng.
Mẹ bầu ngồi thẳng lưng.

Pregnancy yoga exercises help pregnant women get supple, healthy during pregnancy and ready for the upcoming labor journey. However, mothers should exercise moderately and should consult a doctor to know the right movements for their condition.
Meditation is part of Yoga. Meditation will help pregnant women increase concentration, reduce stress and anxiety. promotes relaxation and improves mood. Meditation can be understood as the practice of focusing on a topic, positive speech or simply natural breathing. It can also be walking in the park mindfully, while being continuously aware of the in-and-out breath right here, in this moment.

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