Some things to keep in mind during and after egg extraction

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Van Thanh - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital.
Pregnancy is a disease that needs long-term monitoring. Vaginal aspiration is a procedure that can cause a lot of bleeding, but in general, after egg retrieval, the uterus will contract to return to its original size.

1. What is egg aspiration?

After the sperm fuses with the ovum, it becomes a fertilized egg, which develops into the fetus and its appendages such as the placenta and amniotic sac. In some cases, the trophoblastic cells grow too fast while the connective tissue and capillaries of the umbilical blood vessels at the placental stage do not develop in time. As a result, the placenta is degraded, edematous, forming fluid-filled sacs that stick together like bunches of grapes, occupying most of the uterine cavity. This phenomenon is called oviposition.
Egg suction is a procedure to insert a suction tube into the uterine cavity, under negative pressure to suck the egg and placenta in the uterine cavity.
Egg suction is more dangerous than normal abortion because the uterus is large and soft, so the risk of bleeding and uterine perforation is high.

2. Will there be complications after abortion?

For the real penis, any surgery has more or less complications, especially egg suction has the following common complications:
Bleeding If you are aspirating, resuscitate and aspirate quickly, remove all the eggs to shrink the uterus. reduce bleeding and use uterine contractions Oxytocin, Ergotamine, Misoprostol.
Uterine perforation: emergency surgery If the patient still wishes to have children: after laparotomy, holding the uterus in his hand, another person continues to aspirate eggs under the surgeon's hands, drain the uterus and sew up the perforation. If the patient does not want to have children anymore: complete hysterectomy, remove 2 appendages if the patient is elderly.

Sau phẫu thuật, phụ nữ có thể cảm thấy hơi đau nhẹ như các cơn đau trong kỳ kinh nguyệt
Sau phẫu thuật, phụ nữ có thể cảm thấy hơi đau nhẹ như các cơn đau trong kỳ kinh nguyệt

3. How long will it take to stop bleeding after abortion?

Pregnancy is a disease that needs long-term monitoring. Egg suction is a procedure that can cause a lot of bleeding...but after aspiration in general, the uterus will contract to return to its original size. In theory, this is 4-6 weeks, and vaginal bleeding varies from woman to woman.

4. How to take care of your health after aspiration abortion?

Chảy máu là biến chứng thường gặp trong hút thai trứng
Chảy máu là biến chứng thường gặp trong hút thai trứng
After aborting the eggs, it is necessary to eat a lot of protein-containing foods such as: Meat (especially beef), fish, eggs, milk, legumes and animal liver, ... to strengthen the immune system. the body and help regenerate the amount of blood lost when performing abortion.
Supplement water and vitamins, especially vitamins C and E through eating green foods and fruits such as: Spinach, tomatoes, bean sprouts, pumpkin, apples, grapes, ... these are foods both provide vitamins, and supplement iron and phosphorus to help the recovery process take place faster.
To increase the body's folic acid content, you should eat foods such as lettuce, asparagus, watermelon, flour, cereal flour, cashews,...
At the same time, avoid stimulating foods. uterine contractions such as purslane, bitter melon. apple cider vinegar, junk food, fast food, sour food, bean juice, wine, beer, carbonated soft drinks,... Because these foods interfere with uterine recovery.
In addition, after abortion, you should not eat hot and spicy foods and foods with cold like: chili, pepper, ginger, vinegar, snails, crabs, shrimp, seafood,... Because these foods This product stimulates genital bleeding and causes abdominal cold, which is not good for uterine recovery.
In addition to eating according to a separate and reasonable diet, women need to pay attention to the following points:
Clean body and private area, change tampons regularly. Do not have sex until your body has fully recovered (at least 1 month). Get enough rest, do not do heavy work and strong sports activities. If your body has any abnormal signs, go to a medical facility immediately for a timely examination. Be sure to follow up with your doctor's appointment. Doctor Nguyen Van Thanh has many years of experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The doctor was trained and attended courses in obstetrics and gynecology and infertility at Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hanoi University of Medicine and Pharmacy and the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
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