Signs that children have weak resistance

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Resistance is considered a "steel shield" that prevents the entry of viruses and bacteria into the human body, especially in young children. Parents need to learn the signs of a child's weak resistance in order to have appropriate care and protection for their children.

1. The importance of resistance for children

First of all, parents need to understand the importance of resistance to children's health. A child's resistance is a "fence" that prevents harmful agents such as fungi, viruses, bacteria, and parasites from entering the child's body. A healthy body will be very difficult to catch an infection, if it is unfortunately infected, it will quickly recover.
On the contrary, weak resistance is the body's ability to fight off harmful bacteria. Children with weak resistance are more likely to get sick and have a longer healing time than those with good resistance.
The situation of parents being subjective and paying little attention to strengthening their children's resistance leads to a large number of sick and sick children.

Trẻ ốm yếu là một trong các dấu hiệu sức đề kháng yếu
Trẻ ốm yếu là một trong các dấu hiệu sức đề kháng yếu

2. Signs of weak resistance in young children

Parents should pay attention and find appropriate methods to improve their children's resistance when they notice the following signs:
Children often fall ill Infants and infants are gradually establishing their immune system, so they should still still weak. Moreover, this is also a very sensitive object to the external environment full of dust and bacteria.
Young children with weak resistance will easily be penetrated by external agents, causing them to get sick often such as cough and runny nose, fever, sore throat,... more seriously, they can get diphtheria. , tetanus, dengue fever. Bacteria and parasites make them more susceptible to infections, sick and stunted children compared to their peers.
Children are dehydrated Total amount of water accounts for about 60-75% in the body of young children, helping to maintain the body's life. The child's body is dehydrated or not absorbing enough water, which means that the child has a weak resistance. Parents can recognize signs of dehydration if they see that their child's lips are dry and cracked, sticking to the upper and lower lips, crying less and crying without tears, sunken eyelids, dry, cold skin, and less urination. convenience, drinking lots of water, drowsy and fussy. This long-term condition will make the body weak, children often sick and affect later development.
Children crave sweets Although it may seem unrelated, this is also one of the important signs of weak resistance to recognize. Children who eat a lot of sweets or crave refined sugar are a sign that their health is gradually weakening, and this is also the cause contributing to the decline in resistance. Parents should limit their children to eat sweets to avoid affecting their health.
Children are anorexic, lazy to eat When the resistance is weak, the child's body will often be moody, tired, the child is often sick, so he also feels anorexia, does not want to eat even his favorite foods. If you notice this sign of weak resistance, you should continue to monitor your child and find an appropriate solution.
Poor digestion Children with strong resistance will well absorb the amount of food put into the body and have healthy digestion. In contrast, children with weak resistance often have digestive disorders, vomiting during or immediately after eating, and passing raw feces. If parents are not detected in time, it will lead to undernutrition, sick children, slow development, ... at the same time, the baby is also slow and has little interest in playing, making the spirit more or less affected.
Children's wounds take a long time to heal Medical experts say that a child's wound healing time is an accurate assessment of the child's immune system. Therefore, parents should pay attention if the child is injured or scratched for a long time, it means that the child's resistance is weak, it is necessary to quickly strengthen the child's resistance.

Trẻ hay ốm vặt cũng là một trong những dấu hiệu sức đề kháng yếu
Trẻ hay ốm vặt cũng là một trong những dấu hiệu sức đề kháng yếu

3. How to improve children's resistance

If a child has the above signs of weak resistance, parents need to:
Add more nutritious foods to their child's menu, lots of green vegetables, fresh and sweet fruits and limit the intake of sweets and oils. fat, fried,... Newborns are exclusively breastfed because breast milk has a high nutrient content and contains a large amount of natural immunity. Let children participate in many age-appropriate physical activities. When a child is sick, do not subjectively give your child antibiotics or any other medicine, but take him to the hospital to ask a doctor for examination. In short, weak resistance will make children often sick, leading to weakness, stunting, inactivity, and incomplete development of both physical and intellectual abilities. Therefore, parents should pay attention and find the right solution so that their children can develop safely and healthily.
Besides, the baby needs to add necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat delicious, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, strengthen the resistance to get sick less often and have less digestive problems.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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