Signs of appendicitis in children

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Video content is professionally consulted by BSCK II Tran Van Trong, Department of General Surgery - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang

Appendicitis is a disease that can occur at any age including children. Appendicitis in children, pregnant women and the elderly is difficult to diagnose, pregnant women and the elderly. For children with appendicitis without complications, surgery can be performed. After surgery, the child's health can fully recover.
Pediatric appendicitis occurs most often between the ages of 10 and 19 years old because the main cause is a blocked appendix or other infections in the abdomen that spread into the appendix. In addition, appendicitis in children can also occur in children from 2 to 5 years old with symptoms of fever, vomiting, stomach pain... Cases of appendicitis in children under 2 years old can also occur. out, parents need to pay special attention.
When appendicitis in children occurs, the following symptoms will appear:
Abdominal pain: Pain in appendicitis usually occurs in the right iliac fossa, starting in the area above the navel, around the navel, and centered on the right iliac fossa. Because the object of appendicitis is in children, it is very difficult to locate the pain, adults need to observe the child's manifestations such as crying, touching the abdomen to judge. Children with pain in appendicitis are often accompanied by swelling and redness in the abdomen. Anorexia: Anorexia is one of the common manifestations of appendicitis in children. That's why parents need to be careful when children suddenly refuse even their favorite food. High fever: Children with appendicitis can cause fever, children can have a fever from 37-39 degrees or 40 degrees Celsius, need to be diagnosed and treated early. Vomiting, nausea: Appendicitis in children can cause children to vomit a lot, vomiting gastric juice, food with an uncomfortable feeling of bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Dirty tongue, dry lips, fatigue: In addition to the pain in appendicitis, children may also have frequent urination disorders or pain when urinating..

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