Side effects when using antibiotic ceftizoxime lni 0.5g

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Hello doctor. My baby is just 3 days old. Since birth, the baby had pyoderma and was treated with antibiotic ceftizoxime lni 0.5g for 5 days by injection. Doctor let me ask, the side effects of the drug and the treatment method is correct?
Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung (1996)
Hello mom. Ceftizoxime is a 3rd generation cephalosporin antibiotic. Possible side effects include:
Watery or bloody diarrhea; Severe pain, burning, swelling; Changes in the skin where the medicine was injected; Skin rash, bruising, tingling, frostbite; Body aches, muscle weakness; Irregular heartbeat; Fever, convulsions, chills; Have flu symptoms; easy bruising or bleeding; Unusual weakness; Jaundice. However, side effects are rare. Your child is diagnosed with pyoderma, antibiotic treatment is indicated. For this group of antibiotics, if used for a short time, it will almost not affect the development of the baby in the future.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System.
Answered by doctors at Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
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