Side effects of drugs to treat Helicobacter pylori causing gastritis

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Hello doctor, I just had a gastroenterology examination, a gastroscopy, and I was diagnosed with a positive HP disease, mild antral congestive heart failure. Currently, I am using HP treatment regimen. Please tell me why when I take the medicine, I feel tired in the back 2 parts, tired. Do I need to go to the hospital to have my health checked? I thank you!
Nguyen Minh Hau (HCMC)
Hi, antibiotics for HP bacteria can cause side effects as you describe. After 2 weeks of taking the full dose of the drug, if you stop taking the medicine, the symptoms will disappear. If your symptoms are severe, you should see your doctor again.
Master, Doctor Nguyen Phuoc Lam - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
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