Should I remove moles on my face? How safe at home?

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Safe mole removal is a suitable option for those who have moles on the face, affecting aesthetics, confidence,... However, mole removal should be done carefully, according to exactly as recommended by your doctor.

1. Should I remove moles on my face?

Moles are a common problem on the skin. You can have many moles on your face and body, most people will have 10 - 40 moles located on the skin. Whether to remove moles is not interested by many people. Most moles are harmless and nothing to worry about. You also don't need to remove a mole unless it affects you. However, if you feel insecure because of a mole on your skin or if the mole is irritated by rubbing against clothing, mole removal is also a good option.
When removing moles, you need to pay careful attention to moles with abnormal expressions. Any abnormality in the color, size, and shape of a mole can be a warning sign of skin cancer. Therefore, before removing moles, you need to see a dermatologist to ensure safety.
MORE: Do moles change over time?

2. Ways to remove moles at home

Home mole removal is a convenient and cost-effective option. Before you attempt mole removal, however, it's important to understand the risks involved. Some websites offer homemade mole removal tips. These methods have not been proven to work, and some can even be dangerous. Therefore, you need to talk to your doctor about your options before trying any home mole removal method.

Bạn nên trao đổi và hỏi ý kiến của bác sĩ da liễu trước khi tiến hành tẩy nốt ruồi
Bạn nên trao đổi và hỏi ý kiến của bác sĩ da liễu trước khi tiến hành tẩy nốt ruồi

Some methods that have not been proven safe and effective include:
Remove moles with apple cider vinegar; Wrap garlic on the mole; Apply iodine on the mole; Use scissors or a razor blade to remove the mole; Use a mixture of baking soda and castor oil; Use banana peels; Use tea tree oil; Use frankincense oil; Use aloe vera; Use flaxseed oil; Use hydrogen peroxide. Pharmacies also sell mole removal creams. To use these creams, you first shave the top of the mole. Then you apply the cream to the mole. Within 1 day of applying the cream, scabs will form on the mole. When the scab falls off, the mole is also removed.
Safer option: To cover moles if you are self-conscious about them, you can cover up moles with makeup. If the mole grows hair, you can safely trim or pluck the hair.
SEE ALSO: Is an enlarged mole worrisome? Where should I go to see a doctor?

3. Why should not remove moles at home?

Home remedies for mole removal seem quite easy and convenient. However, there is no evidence that these methods work. Even some of them can be dangerous. Specifically:
Several studies have reported side effects of mole removal creams available in pharmacies. These creams can cause thick scars to form in areas with moles; Removing moles using scissors or razor blades also carries risks. In particular, this increases the risk of infection, especially if the equipment used is not properly cleaned. In addition, you can also create a permanent scar where the mole used to be; Another risk of removing a mole at home is that you won't know if it's cancerous. Some moles can be melanoma. If the mole is not checked before removal and if it is cancerous, cancer cells can spread throughout the body, threatening the patient's life. SEE ALSO: Unusual changes of moles can warn of cancer

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Tự tẩy nốt ruồi tại nhà tiềm ẩn nhiều nguy cơ rủi ro cho làn da của bạn

4. You should see a doctor if you want to remove moles safely

You should see a doctor if you want to remove the mole that is bothering you. In particular, it is important to see a doctor if the mole changes, as it can be a sign of skin cancer. Your doctor may do a biopsy - which is to take a sample from the mole to examine under a microscope to see if it has cancer cells.
Dermatologists will use 2 safe and effective methods of mole removal:
With surgical excision: The doctor will numb the area around the mole and then remove the entire mole. The doctor will then sew up the wound; With surgical shaving method: The doctor will numb the area around the mole and use a blade to shave the mole. You may not need stitches. Before performing these procedures, your doctor will examine the mole to determine if it is cancerous.
If the mole does not change and does not affect daily life or aesthetics, it is best that you do not need to remove it. And in case you feel unconfident because a mole or mole is irritated by rubbing against clothing, see a dermatologist for a safe mole removal.

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