Shortness of breath, chest tightness, chills are signs of lung disease or caused by anemia?

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Hello doctor, recently I have had some symptoms such as shortness of breath, holding my breath while sleeping causing startling, a little chest tightness but less, lying down to find it difficult to breathe, no cough, no fever, often chills After a while, people will feel warm and then return to normal, eat normally, or go jogging in the morning. Before Tet, after I had dengue fever, the above situation appeared, but I thought it was okay, so I didn't go to the doctor, then my body returned to normal until recently, I felt uncomfortable again. No one in my family has a genetic disease and I have never had any lung disease before. I don't know if the symptoms of shortness of breath, chest tightness, chills are a sign of lung disease or caused by anemia? I hope to get the advice of the doctor. I thank you very much.
Anonymous customer question
Hello. With the question of shortness of breath, chest tightness, chills is a sign of lung disease or caused by anemia? Your doctor will advise you to see a pulmonologist to rule out sleep apnea (because the symptoms you describe seem to be more frequent at night) or other medical problems.
As for dengue fever, usually after recovering from the disease, it will not leave any sequelae. You have dengue fever before Tet so your current condition is not related to dengue fever. You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more advice.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec. We look forward to meeting you for a more detailed consultation!
Answered by Master, Doctor Nguyen Van Phong - Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Intervention - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
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