Sex on the right day of ovulation most likely to get pregnant?

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The most ideal time to conceive is the time of ovulation. Eggs have an average lifespan of 12-24 hours, while sperm can live for 3-5 days in the vagina. So sex before ovulation get pregnant? Or have sex after ovulation to get pregnant?

Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Pham Thi Mai Nhung - Obstetrics Department - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital

How to calculate the day of ovulation to be able to have sex on the day of ovulation is applied today such as: Based on the app (software) or the menstrual cycle. Scientists found that a woman's ovulation day from the day of her period subtracts from 12-14 days, so it will not completely depend on the menstrual cycle. Some people have a 26-day cycle, some 28 or 32 days. Therefore, to be able to have sex on the day of ovulation, just subtract 12-14 days from the day of the next period.
When the egg is about to be released, when the hormone levels in the body change, the woman's body will also feel a little different in the body. Some signs that you may be about to ovulate and ready to have sex on the day of ovulation may be:
Body temperature usually increases by about 0.5 degrees; Mucus secretion is more in the days of ovulation, this increases the sensation for a woman to have sex on the day of ovulation. To answer the question "Can sex before ovulation get pregnant? Or have sex after ovulation to get pregnant?" According to experts, having sex around the day of ovulation or rather having sex on the day of ovulation, 4 days before ovulation and 1 day after ovulation is considered the most fertile time. At the same time, the frequency of conception must be regular, quality, both husband and wife must feel comfortable.
To be able to conceive quickly, in addition to having sex on the day of conception, both husband and wife need to prepare both physically and mentally: Try to stay away from alcohol, tobacco, and stimulants. For the wife, 1-3 months before trying to get pregnant, you can take folic acid to help a healthier pregnancy.

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