Screening for cervical cancer using the Thinprep . method

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Article by Doctor Ha Thi Thu Hien - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

Conventional Papmear test method with many studies showing that 80% of cells are eliminated after smearing on the slide, thus increasing the rate of missed abnormal cells. In addition, for the conventional Papsmear method, the cells were not well preserved and the observed sample had a lot of mucus. The smear often makes a thick smear, the cells pile up on top of each other. To overcome these limitations, in 1996 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Liquid-based cytology (Thinprep) as a method in cervical cancer screening.

1. What is Thinprep test?

ThinPrep test (Thinprep PAP) is a liquid-based cervical screening test method, specimens are taken from the cervix with a soft brush and then placed in a liquid vial (fixed solution and preserved). sample management) and transferred to the sample processing laboratory using the ThinPrep machine to make the slides in a fully automated manner.

2. Pros and cons of Thinprep . test

Hình ảnh lấy mẫu xét nghiệm Pap
Hình ảnh lấy mẫu xét nghiệm Pap

2.1 Advantages
Conventional Pap test can have false negative and false positive results due to objective and subjective factors such as too thick spread sheet, many inflammatory cells, much mucus, discharge blood...leads to missed damage. The ThinPrep assay overcomes those problems
The ThinPrep test improves the sensitivity of the screening test by producing standardized slides, cells are spread evenly on the slide, mucus is Dissolving makes the smear cleaner, but still retains all evidence of specific inflammation or injury inherent to the person being tested.
These favorable conditions help pathologists analyze the results accurately, avoiding the loss of damage caused by objective factors. Studies show that the ThinPrep Pap test is more likely to detect high-grade intraepithelial lesions than the conventional PAP test.

Xét nghiệm Thinprep
Xét nghiệm Thinprep

2.2 Cons
To perform this test method, a Thinprep test kit is required, which includes a sampling brush, solution for fixing and preserving samples, membrane filter, slide and Thinprep machine for making slides. The cost of the Thinprep test is higher than the Papsmear test. Both the Thinprep test and the PAP test are methods of screening and early detection of cervical cancer. The later method was researched and improved to overcome the disadvantages of the old method. However, those are only tools to help doctors make better diagnoses and cannot replace doctors. Either Thinprep or Papsmear test: is the sample sufficient for diagnosis? Are early lesions detected for screened people? Completely dependent on the doctor.
In order to improve the quality of diagnosis and update new techniques, Vinmec International General Hospital offers the Thinprep cervical cancer early detection test for diagnosis and treatment at the hospital.
Thinprep will also help significantly reduce the false negative rate, help accurately diagnose cervical cancer at an early stage, bring high treatment efficiency, reduce the cost of cervical cancer treatment, reduce the rate of cervical cancer. mortality and improving social performance.
To register for an examination at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
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