Right abdomen below umbilicus is painful after appendoscopy?

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Hello doctor, let me ask you about laparoscopic appendectomy nearly 1 month ago, but about 1 week now, the right abdomen below the navel is a bit painful. I don't have a writhing pain but a writhing pain inside, pressing on my stomach is a bit painful. May I ask if the right abdomen below the navel is painful after appendoscopy? Or will I have any complications after surgery? I go to the toilet normally, please advise me, thank you very much doctor.
Nguyen Van Nha (1990)
Hello! For cases after abdominal surgery in general and appendectomy in particular, there may be adhesions in the abdomen after surgery, depending on the condition of pathological damage during surgery: Is there a lot of inflammation or not? ? Is there an anatomical abnormality? Next is the surgical technique: Open surgery or laparoscopic surgery? Next is the patient's location...
Postoperative adhesion inflammation is a natural response of the body in the recovery process after surgery, which will decrease over time. If this process takes place too quickly or the site of adhesion inflammation causes flexion, intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain and even bowel obstruction. If you have persistent abdominal pain after surgery, you need to see a specialist for specific evaluation and advice.
You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System for more specific advice and examination by specialist doctors. Thank you for sending the question to Vinmec right below the navel with pain after appendoscopy.
Answered by Master, Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Thang - Gastroenterologist - General Surgery Department - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
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