Remove benign breast tumor without surgery

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Article by Doctor Nguyen Tien Phu - Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Along with the development of socio-economic life, women's health is getting more and more attention. The sense of self-protection of women's health about breast and gynecological diseases has been gradually improved. Many women already know how to do breast self-exams along with regular check-ups, so it is common for women to be diagnosed with breast lumps.

1. Relieve the worries and concerns of women when diagnosed with a tumor in the mammary gland

Most of the tumors in the breast are benign but have a significant impact on the psychology and quality of life of women. Many women want to have surgery quickly to remove the tumor, but the surgery requires high costs, takes time for treatment and care, and often leaves scars that affect aesthetics. The technology of treating breast tumors with vacuum needles has opened up a new direction to overcome the disadvantages of traditional surgical methods. The method has been applied by Vinmec Times City International General Hospital since the end of 2018 to effectively treat and bring satisfaction to hundreds of patients.

2. What is the vacuum-assisted needle-assisted breast tumor treatment technique?

Treatment of breast tumors with a vacuum-assisted needle is a technique that uses a biopsy needle with a special structure with a cutting blade. The needle will cut the tumor into small pieces and suck the pieces of this tissue out using a vacuum machine. This technique helps to remove the tumor, the entire specimen removed will be histologically tested to accurately diagnose the nature of the tumor.

Minh họa quá trình cắt và hút u của thiết bị
Minh họa quá trình cắt và hút u của thiết bị

3. When is the vacuum-assisted needle-assisted breast tumor technique used?

This technique is applied to remove benign tumors of the mammary gland, especially those that are palpable or those that cause pain and discomfort to women.

4. Is the technique painful or does it require anesthesia or sedation?

You do not need anesthesia but will be given local anesthesia to relieve pain. Local anesthetics are combined with vasoconstrictors to enhance the effect and reduce bleeding complications. During the procedure if you still feel pain, a local anesthetic will be added to make you more comfortable.

5. What should the patient prepare before the procedure?

You will have an initial assessment of your health, besides that you will be assigned a blood clotting test with the aim of preventing bleeding complications. You should clean the breast area and body the day before, wear light clothes, convenient for changing clothes during the procedure.

6. How is the vacuum-assisted needle-assisted breast tumor treatment performed?

Under the guidance of the ultrasound image, a biopsy needle will be inserted into the tumor site. From start to finish, all needle aspiration and cutting movements are observed in real time to ensure the success of the procedure.

Hình ảnh kim cắt và khối u được quan sát trên siêu âm
Hình ảnh kim cắt và khối u được quan sát trên siêu âm

7. What are the possible complications or side effects?

In general, the procedure is relatively safe, there may be some mild complications such as hematoma at the biopsy site. However, it can be treated on the spot with compression bandages, aspiration, very rarely requiring further intervention. In addition, an infection at the biopsy site may occur.
At Vinmec, doctors use 2 modern biopsies systems from the US and Korea and strictly follow the infection control process, which will help minimize these complications.

8. After the procedure, does the patient need to stay in the hospital for follow-up or not, what should the patient pay attention to?

You will be monitored for about 30 minutes in the procedure room, then you can go home and return to your normal life. You need to keep the compression bandage for 24 hours, keep the intervention site dry, change the bandage daily to heal quickly. You may feel some swelling and pain at the procedure site, at this point you only need to take ordinary pain relievers to be enough. In addition, the skin outside the biopsy site may appear bruises. These marks will then turn yellow and clear up on their own after a short while.

Vinmec sử dụng đồng thời thiết bị sinh thiết Encore Enspire xuất xữ Mỹ và thiết bị Bextcore xuất xứ Hàn Quốc
Vinmec sử dụng đồng thời thiết bị sinh thiết Encore Enspire xuất xữ Mỹ và thiết bị Bextcore xuất xứ Hàn Quốc

Since applying this technique, Vinmec has relieved hundreds of women of anxiety, quickly returning to normal life at a reasonable cost is what makes them most satisfied.
Vinmec has a team of experts along with a customer care department that is always ready to provide the best services on breast pathology for you and your loved ones.
Contact information:
Diagnostic Imaging Department
Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
Tel: 02439743556.
Breast service hotline Tel 0901704068
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